
What the actual...?!?! The car of a shitty remake instead of the sublime original dreamed up by an amiable madman who paid out of his own pocket an iconic movie including 93 wrecked cars some of them NEW?

Of course, copyright holders are required to defend their properties

The YouTube channel in question is the popular B is for Build

Disney, abusing copyright law? Say it ain’t so!

No. That’s fucked up. I would recommend you rethink your perspective on comedy.

I have traveled extensively all throughout Asia: Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and I even made it to Vietnam. I speak from my accrued knowledge over two decades. I am not, repeat not painting with a “broad brush”. My comment is the same as saying that black people like flashy things. Spoiler Alert: WE DO!

They still make too many for them to ever appreciate in value, unless you never drive it, in which case what’s the point, still wont outperform an index fund.

“Custom Fixies”

Yep. 2014.

I’m aware.

If you ask the Viper fans 0% crossover. If you ask the truck fans, 100% crossover. The truth is somewhere in between.

So I’ve got 15-20 on that truck. Well, closer to 15 on that one, because as a manual, it doesn’t have the transmission coolers or cooler lines that an automatic would have.

Did we forget that the SRT-10 exists???

Meh. I'd rather take a E350 V10 so I can bring ALL my friends along. No stick though.

It’s also been rumored to get anything from a V8 to an inline six

Hey now, Infiniti’s been digging their own grave for a while now, thankyouverymuch

The Mitsu dealer near me sells RV’s... it’s where I bought my travel trailer. It’s actually more of an RV dealer that also happens to sell Mitsubishi’s... man has that marque fallen from the Evo, Eclipse and 3000GT days. :(

If they did this, you know it’d 100% be a poorly disguised Sentra with cheap leather and a 35k price tag.

Neutral: Infiniti might as well join Rover and Packard into the automotive graveyard. Genesis has clearly taken over Infiniti’s spot.

SO based on your fears of Aggression you willingly attempt vehicular homicide