
Wow. The front and rear bumpers look much better in plain ol’ photographs!

Id rather have a c36 with that sweet sweet M104 goodness.

The Tesla driver is at fault? As in, legally at fault if there had been a collision?

This. Training will be an integral part of this and if be curious to see what OSHA fines or employment suits come out of this

OSHA would like to have a word with you and every other idiot who thinks it’s ok to leave gasoline just hanging about where it can get knocked over.

Do I have to? My kitchen appliances are actually nice and these look cheap and tacky.

Do I have to? My kitchen appliances are actually nice and these look cheap and tacky.

We’re supposed to believe that a manufacturer sent a car to journalists without going over it first with a fine tooth comb?

“little slice of heaven called Birmingham”

Yeah, constant unfounded hype.

Even Jalo0nik covered how group C does and why the engines changed:

Thank you. It’s sad that this myth still exists. I can’t find evidence that the Mazda pitted less though. Do you have a source that says otherwise? Thanks

Here’s what another poster said about my comment as well:

Actually, if you read the pit record, they did not pit any less. The distance covered is also a testament to how far group c had come, not just the Mazda. The 2nd place jag was 2 laps short of the Mazda despite having a very long pit in the night that forced them into their garage.

I thought you might mention the ban.

No, I did not. I’m saying it wasn’t good, it was just another racecar. Not good and not bad.

Shame they didn’t put a mild 26b into a production car.

The 787 isn’t sufficient to explain rotary fandom. That’s like pining for a 911 because of the 917, and the 917 was actually a good racecar compared to the 787...

Now playing

You could go Mercedes mono-wiper and have a wonky shaped square:

More of an elongated quadrant...

I enjoyed it. Had the chance to drive one and liked it a lot. They were insanely cheap about 4 years ago too and I thought it would make a fun toy but the steering scared me away. Plus, I change my mind frequently. :\