
... and if it’s an Altima, everybody else in traffic as well. 

...auto stop/start systems on modern cars

The OP said: “If you live further out from groceries and other services, you’re an idiot.”

That is a patently idiotic comment because it is not uncommon for the better, higher paying jobs to be located in metro areas, which are consequently more expensive (and by proxy, suburban homes cost far less with the trade-off

I don’t see any problem with headquartering in New York if that’s where they feel they can attract the best content. Heck, Kristen’s literal first post was about owning a car in New York: https://jalopnik.com/owning-a-car-in-new-york-is-absolutely-worth-it-1782352176

Not to mention, owning a car in spite of it not

Here for the ZX2 appreciation post! I learned to drive stick in my bare bones base model, and was one of the best cars I had. 

Asking the real questions over here!

If you dislike the shotgun approach Jalopnik takes to the subject of Tesla overselling “Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Capability”, that is certainly a valid criticism, if you can back it up. You would basically need to provide a clear argument why a website that makes its money off of automotive news should not

Hands down, my favorite thing about the B9 Tribeca is that the interior looks like a sloths face.

Man, I used to love playing as Mr. Slam in Twisted Metal, which now makes me wonder how many degrees of separation I was from becoming that guy.

I am going to close with my thoughts on these things. I would be happy to hear your response, and if you would like me to continue to engage, I would be happy to. But at this time, I do not have any plans to do so (because I think we could go on forever).

I told you to “fuck right off” because you posted an article from eleven years ago as “proof” of Jalopnik’s consistency.

I actually am going to try to have a conversation in good faith with you, even though your very next words were literally “Fuck right off”, which tells me everything I need to know about you.

From impregnating the wives of all the haters? 

I dunno man, if you pay attention to Auto-Pilot coverage at all then you’re well aware it does stuff like this

First, Jalopnik has always done posts about press releases gone wrong, not just of Tesla: https://jalopnik.com/volvo-pedestrian-avoidance-test-fails-spectacularly-5648126

I was going to suggest a follow-up with everything that IS working on your cars, but then I realized that a blank page with no words on it maybe isn't the most captivating article.

My first experience driving stick was a 2000 Escort ZX2, which I purchased that day expressly to learn to drive a manual. My friend and I drove it back to his place. It was a little after midnight and he had to go out of town the next morning, so I had to learn that night.

This is the kind of hard-hitting specialized knowledge of a niche subject from Jalopnik readers that keeps me coming back. 

Resorting to insults? Classy.

You: “Another straw man.