
Just went to double-check my amendments, but I’m pretty sure this is a violation against unreasonable search and seizure. Unlawful entry is a misdemeanor; DNA is no one’s business unless it relates to a REAL crime, not a fake one. If you support the forced collection of DNA for this, then you must also submit to the

Really, although I hate to say this, the Left and the Right after caught in a stalemate because the average person has zero agency in how the country is run. We’re both frustrated and angry with a system that is freezing so many out, and we’re both frustrated by or inability to effect and create change.

I’m curious because I’m a pessimist: What, exactly are we going to do if this goes nowhere? If Trump continues to get away with his criminal enterprises? What can we do if he gets a second term? How are we supposed to fight against the uncaring, gleefully corrupt GOP? How are we going to override the morons who think

Cockroaches For Raid! I truly believe that the same Republicans who whine about small government will happily welcome in their new overlords as long as they get to stomp on others. It's the Republican ethos: No one is more equal than ME.

Agreed. I used to like Family Guy, but Peter’s lack of personal growth, and utter selfishness turned me off. That and the constant “Jew jokes.” First it felt like social commentary, but after a while it felt like full blown anti-Semitism. Then there was McFarlane’s misogynistic views, and now I just don’t want

Weird, that’s not the impression I get from the never-ending deluge of emails and texts I get from the campaign. I donated to Sanders and Warren; Sanders constantly begs for more, Warren does not. Putting aside the fact that this disinclines me to donate to Sanders (I don’t like being pestered), I wonder if that

“Now that everyone knows, I’m not going to do that. No collusion!”

She doesn’t want Trumbp gone because he’s their cash cow. Hell, if we get four more years of him, think of all the donations the DNC will take in! Especially if they can claim to “protect” other Dems... Imagine the campaign contributions they’ll get from all of us who are desperate to protect our country!

Right? Campaign finance violations re: Stormy Daniels...nothing. Mueller report...nothing. Besties with pedophile...nothing. Sexual assault...nothing.

Gladwell is the textbook definition of a hack. I was forced to read “Outliers” for an English class and spent the entire semester shredding that dreadful pamphlet in every class. His assertions are dubious, his methods suspect, his conclusions cherry-picked and his entire affect is “failing upwards.”

Pelosi: Uuuuuughhhhh. Don’t make me do stuff!

I’m telling you this is already happening. I live in a geographically isolated poor area, and it’s already beginning for us; the middle class are going to start feeling it in the next few months, we're canaries and this coal mine is about to explode.

Can we just impeach HER?!

So, in the next few months? Because people are already spending less money, and I'm not the only one who's noticed...

Careful, if Splinter thinks we don’t love Bernie enough they’ll write another “but what about her DNA?!” story. I mean, it's been at least a few weeks since the last one, and that's one dead horse they can't flog nearly enough.

I’m not on that, I’m currently on lamictal and mirtazapine. Things were going much better, but then I keep getting hit with just...shit. It’s just constant, and then I’ll stop sleeping and start getting weird.

I am terrified of the ramifications of global climate change, and while I know I can’t do much, I’m very motivated to do what I can. To those ends, I’ve become a “flexitarian” and incorporate plant-based foods as I can, but I’m not a vegan by any means. I get my eggs from local people who have free range chickens or

Dude, totally. I have lots of time to think during my mindless job, so yesterday I came up with a bunch of these, including about how much I hate that job.

I can’t. She’s four hours away and I only get to see her on Skype every month. We’re in a very isolated place with almost no access to mental health. I don’t have any contact info for her, and have to go through county mental health.

I feel the same. If I could, I’d smuggle people across myself. Lots of my friends growing up were/are undocumented and it was/is a constant source of stress. I’d like to show them that my words aren’t empty and meaningless, but I’m barely surviving as it is.