I would suggest Biden stay in the race, if only to have Trump commit more impeachable offences attempting to have Biden investigated. Last week it was Ukraine, yesterday China, what country will it be today?
I would suggest Biden stay in the race, if only to have Trump commit more impeachable offences attempting to have Biden investigated. Last week it was Ukraine, yesterday China, what country will it be today?
Not surprised by this. Thanks to sites like Act Blue, regular folks like me can slide Elizabeth or Bernie or Cory or Julian $10 to $50 whenever they have some extra dough, or are pissed off, or if there’s a deadline coming up. I’ve done this persistently since some of the candidates declared. But even if I liked him,…
I wonder if the Democratic Party is able to get the message that Sanders and Warren being the top two fundraisers this quarter sends.
I hear there's a nice, empty one in San Francisco bay that the federal government already owns. There are buildings on it and everything.
That’s the problem with hitching your wagon to a carnival barker like Trump - eventually he’s gonna get run out of town, and they’re gonna be left holding the bag.
When you shoot your gun, do you miss as badly as you are missing the point right now?
This, in all likelihood. “Y’all Qaeda” will basically become a thing, and we’ll end up rooting it out.
It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...
In my head, the actual band was playing a rehearsal for a comeback tour on the premises.
I hear she’s got a plan for that...
Call me crazy, but I’m starting to get the vague sense that we may not be able to just reach across the aisle and reason with these folks.
The other day someone in the comments said this stance looks like a centaur missing his rear legs and now I can’t unsee it.
I think he knows what a two-door car is, thank you very much. It’s the kind of car you keep chickens in.
So since you guys love whataboutism, when Clinton was impeached that was actually an illegal coup by the Republican party?
“The definition of coup d’ètat...”
Hey everybody - look at this stupid asshole right here!
I have low expectations that people are held accountable for their crimes. I'd settle for them all out of our lives.
Eh. As long as he’s not holding Rick and Morty up as a genius paean to the misunderstood value of nihilism that only true intellectuals can fully appreciate, I’m down. I kinda dig the show myself, but I’ve never felt the need to storm a McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce, nor do I think I’m particularly erudite for…
A lot of these "vulnerable" Democrats were elected to hold Trump accountable. Which they are now too scared to do. I think they need to worry more about a primary challenge.