
This is why I was super-reluctant to support Bernie in 2016. It’s not a “revolution” if it comes at the expenses of women and PoC, it’s just same shit different day. Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss. I like Bernie and I like his platform, but the rampant and still-unadressed misogyny on the Left made me

Everyone knows this is just his attempt at retaliation for CA refusing to relax clean air standards and requiring tax returns for all presidential candidates. Oh, and we just banned private prisons and ICE detention centers. Adam Schiff is also digging him over the latest scandal where a whistleblower reported him for

Omg, I couldn’t figure out what word that was meant to be and was also confused at the assertion Lyft is spreading sleeping sickness.

So my dumbass was honest and asked my MediCal worker about the fact that my boss pays me from different companies she owns (because I have to make $1400 or less) . She told me that I now need to file a 1099 for that income. That’s already a bummer, but it turns out my boss has been doing this to disguise how much my

Came here to say the exact same thing!

Yeah, all 1% of them you walking trashbag. I hope you get eaten in the apocalypse because that's the only way people like you will ever be useful.

My current choices for life paths are, as of today; get a better job that isn’t breaking me physically and lose my insurance coverage, keep this job and my insurance but dread every spontaneous bill (like my 16 y.o. dog whose hind-legs suddenly gave out last Saturday at 11:30 pm and was in agony... It was almost $400.

My current choices for life paths are, as of today; get a better job that isn’t breaking me physically and lose my insurance coverage, keep this job and my insurance but dread every spontaneous bill (like my 16 y.o. dog whose hind-legs suddenly gave out last Saturday at 11:30 pm and was in agony... It was almost $400.

Exactly! I just want to be told when I’m being a dick, grapple with the concept, then change my ways. This includes apologizing to a friend who was mad that I “spoiled”Salem’s Lot, the book, by telling her it was about vampires.

I grew up around the same time as you, and my issue with this argument is that I never had the association with people who are mentally disabled, just people who acted a fool (to clarify, I work really hard to purge that insult from my repertoire even if I disagree about the idea that it is only aimed at the mentally

It’s that whole “sanctity of marriage” the Regressive Right is always gabbling about. The hypocrisy and gall of the average Trumpanzee is both fascinating and disgusting.

That’s what happens when a group is overwhelming Evangelical. The god-botherers are actively discouraged from learning or employing critical thinking; if they do learn how to think for themselves, maybe they won’t need the church any more.

We can, but hope, that we still live in the age of miracles...

Two points: They already make back-ass racist laws, they just wouldn’t be allowed to teste and infect the rest of the country with them.

Because unchecked and unexamined misogeny on the Left (literally all Bernie Bros) helped get the Mango Mussolini elected and we got a shit-ton of hand-wringing crocodile tear articles about how maybe, just MAYBE, not all the criticism of Hillary was justified.

Not everyone wants to be the center of attention at their wedding... These sisters obviously know each other well, and I would be more than okay if someone did this at my wedding. I’d actually be grateful, because as an introvert I don’t want to be in the spotlight for extended periods of time.

He's GOP...corrupt AND dense.

Let’s just wall off “The South” and deport all the “good guys with guns” over there. We can trade our own shitty ammosexuals for some nice Southern folk who just need to get the fuck out of Dodge (haha, literally). Anyone who wants can stay, and we can just sit back and let them shoot each other until their

You can walk down a lot of streets in America with an AR openly on your back, but I can’t walk my dog there without risking her being siezed and euthanized. I have seperate homeowners insurance because she’s “dangerous.” She is licensed, registered and insured. So tell me again why the spineless ammosexual crowd can’t

Funny old thing life... hey, “MHarrisEP” how’s those gun rights now? Still “protecting” people? “Protecting” a lot of people in Texas lately, maybe y’all should do something about it. You know, since another five people have been “protected,” and the rest of us live in fear of being “protected.”