“Good! Don’t take his name. By the 3rd or 4th wedding it’s just a hassle.”
“Good! Don’t take his name. By the 3rd or 4th wedding it’s just a hassle.”
Because you need someplace to keep your tiny white balls, Donnie.
I see no problems, as long as they make it work
I think we’re all waiting, crouching like gay lionesses, for the first homophobic gazelle to trot across the sacred grounds.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOVe the fact that the more progressive we get, the more and more these people sound like absolute LOONEY TOONS.
At what point should I stop drinking tears if I have to drive later on?
I've been crushing on moriartysringtonisasaltybiscuit for like all week now. If it wasn't appropriate well it is now because I say so.
I feel like they really missed the obvious one is discriMENate. Mancriminate just makes me immediately think of men incriminating themselves... which seems pretty effing likely in the context of that third gross poster.
Or, Robert Rodriguez left his wife because he is an adult who makes his own decisions.
Can we also talk about the people who insist on backing in to parking places? Not just their driveway, but in busy fucking parking lots. It messes up the flow of everyone trying to park, and what is the point? I consider it a deal breaker on anyone I date. It’s trivial, stupid and small of me to judge one on that…
Look, you wanna smuggle some heavy narcotics across borders, that’s your business. I am not here to judge your life. We’ve all been there.
And I haven’t yet found the words to diplomatically say, “he’s a mediocre father who was there for me some of the time, but definitely loves me, and I also do love him even though he is usually the child in all of our interactions, and doesn’t have a problem expecting his daughters to mother him.”
It’s pretty rich of her to construe a homeland security dude doing his job as “trying to get his 15 minutes” considering she hitched her wagon to an aging alcoholic superstar and hasn’t looked back since.
...I know THAT feel, bro!
that’s why whenever I get the “well you cleaned up real good” line I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose with my middle finger.
“Dylann Storm Roof”