I can’t wait for the “she did good in the black community” crowd to migrate from Gawker to Jezebel.
I can’t wait for the “she did good in the black community” crowd to migrate from Gawker to Jezebel.
Oooh, my eyes are watering in sympathy.
We generally don’t let the bad ones leave. :)
Look, we have enough in Australia to kill you, but come on now: there are no Box Jellyfish at Manly Beach. Box Jellyfish are found in tropical waters, i.e., nowhere near Sydney.
The one who yelled at the guest who brought the gourmet basket of things that the bride hated the shit out of.
I was pro-choice before I got pregnant, but pregnancy really cemented my belief that access to free and safe abortions is one of the most important issues today. NO ONE should have to go through a pregnancy if they don’t want to. People who say “put the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it” can go fuck…
This is Kinja, not my doctoral dissertation. Grammar policing on a tabloid message board is one thing, but using it to claim misogyny to divert attention from the fact that you, Jia and Emma turned into giant assholes once you joined Gawker Media is another.
I’m Australian. Kangaroos can be really dangerous animals. That woman has a male red in her yard... Those fuckers are TERRIFYING and will quite literally punch you out and scratch you to death with their legs. They’re not all cute and sweet animals. They’re the kind of animal that any smart person would back away from…
I can’t even deal with how horrifying the Daily Beast article is. She says you bond with the kangaroo because you have to feed it around the clock. You have to feed it around the clock because the monsters from the exotic animal auction probably stole the poor joey from its mother’s pouch. That's also why baby…
Agreed. I’m Australian and I don’t even think they should be therapy animals in this country. Kangaroos can be dangerous!
At this point, I should be used to seeing backlash against Emma Sulkowicz, but I still wasn’t fully prepared for…
Patriarchy: Not just for the Abrahamic religions anymore!
SPF30 is some melanin haver shit. Us true day walkers require SPF50+
Fuck Him Right In The Pabst
I would love to see more articles like this on Jezebel. Thank you.