You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.
You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.
You say that as if it somehow makes it less stupid...
I’m a person with a disability (not Down’s, but a painful and debilitating one that keeps me from doing a lot of things) and there is no argument for. If there was a test for what I have and my fetus tested positive, I would absolutely abort, because I would never condemn my child to live with what I go through. My…
I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.
If anything claims “toxins,” you’re safe to ignore it. It’s never grounded in science. As for chemicals, everything is a chemical. And beauty products nowadays are well tested for harmful side effects, unlike in your grandmother’s time! You don’t need to worry about that.
I’m getting a tattoo on my inner arm next month and my boyfriend asked “Are you worried about it stretching if you get bingo wings?” and I just don’t even know where to start with telling him why that question made me uncomfortable. Like... a) no and b) no and c) hell no and d) I’m going to feel shitty about my body…
As a London resident, I can say we don’t have nearly enough Jack the Ripper tourist traps. I wholeheartedly applaud this man’s innovative (and may I say... daring!) vision. This is a great day for female murder victims.
Good. Cats have devastated the ecology there. They are non-native and destructive. Imagine people being allowed to let their pet rats or ferrets or birds just run around semi-feral.
Since the Ariana Grande is an Actual Baby thing happened so well can we start truthing Kayne West is perpetually tantrum-throwing toddler?
Pff, I hate it when a series doesn't have the guts to kill off characters.
shut the hell up
All of my regret was linked to getting into the situation in the first place. I told myself I was smarter than that, I should have known better. The only remorse I ever felt was for myself. But then that made me feel guilty and selfish. I am older now, and I embrace my selfishness. No one else is going to do whats…
Smartest thing I ever did, just ahead of ditching the loser who knocked me up.
This was a missed opportunity to talk about the problem of the gender binary. While it is FANTASTIC that people are finally more aware and accepting of transgender people, we’re still failing to recognize the problems inherent in imposing a rigid binary, instead of recognizing a spectrum where most people fall more…
Galliano is a racist, hateful piece of garbage but the man can design his face off. He’s a true artist but I’m still at “Fuck that guy.”
I’m going to start dealing w everyone who pisses me the fuck off by making pinatas of them.
Trust me, from a judge that was practically gushing
People who sing in public are the worst. No one wants to hear your out of tune ass serenade people trapped with you on a train or in a restaurant or a store. Unless it’s “Happy Birthday To You” and you are bringing me a desert with a candle in it, shut the fuck up and restrict your tone deaf warbling to the confines…