“I don’t see why minorities would have issues with their policies, per se.”
I forgot. It was definitely economic pressures and the shame of practicing racial bigots that desegregated the south.
They’re pro free market and are cool with said market sorting civil rights out, which is in no way progressive. Libertarianism only works for white people.
from overbearing government
Chris Matthews: I bet you can’t name one foreign leader you admire.
You want him walking around without pants???
That’s such a good take. What is being done isn’t a threat to the game or America, it’s a threat to the fictional, everything is fine / racism is over narrative that people are erroneously tacking into the America that they believe exists.
Have they tried not being black? I’ve been not black most of my life, and it didn’t even take much effort.
Very disrespectful to the military.
“The ACC will move the eight neutral site championships: women’s soccer, football, men’s and women’s swimming and diving, women’s basketball, men’s and women’s tennis, women’s golf, men’s golf, and baseball.”
Wow that’s a really Gay dance there
This is fucking flagrant disrespect by the NCAA toward our National Anthem. The NCAA hasn’t just canceled these events in North Carolina, they’ve canceled the playing of the National Anthem at these events in North Carolina as well. I’m not a member of the military but that is insanely hurtful to the many members of…
And there goes all that money earmarked for genital-scanning bathroom robots.
Wide deceiver???
Sounds like my ex wife!!!
All I can say is thank CHRIST they penalized that one guy for jumping up and down after his team scored a touchdown. We need to keep that sort of behavior in check.
Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.
Pretty sure Tomi Lahren is a horcrux containing a portion of Phyllis Schlafly’s soul.