I have a weird relationship with that game. When I first played it, I was hooked. Then I finished it and I can’t for the life of me go back to it. Which is weird because with DA:O I had over 7 playthroughs.
I have a weird relationship with that game. When I first played it, I was hooked. Then I finished it and I can’t for the life of me go back to it. Which is weird because with DA:O I had over 7 playthroughs.
Dragon Age: Inquisition.
I would have gone with “misogynobject.”
Which is why I don’t do this for a living.
Alright, I was wrong....
Thanks for showing me that.
I heard that by not standing he is disrespecting puppies and Craig Sager’s fight with cancer. I heard that. Goddammit why am I so fucking angry all the time.
At 11:14pm MrMojoIsMojo gives a bit longer of a routine
America truly is a great country. The Deadspin staff’s new ambition is for Tomi Lahren to disembowel us.
It's a good thing they've been banned from the place they didn't go to. Otherwise they might have not gone there again.
I’m taking you out of the greys to clear something up...I’m not saying they should have bait and switched on their sources. That’s obviously a stupid long term decision. What I am saying is that they shouldn’t have run this article in the first place. There is almost no news value to “Some guys who won’t say who they…
Finebaum would still have cried fowl
Not All Olds.
Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.
Can’t wait for these “guess the game character, Adult unit” in 10-20 years when the parent answers with: “looks like the tank”, “I dunno a mid I guess? Could be support I suppose”, “he’s the OP one, right?”, “Oh I bet she’s the one noobs pick because she has a flamethrower/chainsaw”
That reminds me of my dad and how he’d drive his IROC-Z onto the court where I was playing youth basketball and skid that thing real close to me while I was trying to shoot a free throw. If I missed, he’d flick a cigarette at me, peel out, and I wouldn’t see him for months. If I made the shot he’d nod at me…
It’s like taking Simms off the air would be an acknowledgement that CTE is real.
Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.
Because the Joker would just be considered a regular guy in Florida.
There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.
Dropping fucking n-bombs being unacceptable on multiple levels isn’t the truth being muzzled by the word police.