
But if they get paid a decent salary what will motivate them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and eventually go to Harvard?

It’s going to be some sweet irony when years from now medical marijuana is legal everywhere and it is the most effective treatment for CTE.

If I was going to hold a large event where attendees could be arrested if they used the bathroom they felt comfortable with, I would change locations too.

I find both brussels sprouts and literal shit to be distasteful but when forced to choose one, I will eat brussels sprouts every time.

I’m too hip to support one of the 2 traditional parties so I’m gonna be a libertarian without seriously considering their policy positions.

Considering most of the “libertarians” I know also believe in Chinese face-reading, seriously question vaccinations, and are “spiritual atheists” this pretty much describes it perfectly.

I’ve always referred to them as pseudo-intellectual non-conformists but this is so much better.

Also, not surprising at all. Trump’s ghostwriter’s biggest concern is his short attention span.

The country should be fine. I can’t think of a single circumstance where a President would need to focus on something for more than a few minutes.

I prefer the traditional spelling, Droo.

Trump won’t show his tax returns for the same reason I don’t send dick pics.

This is just an attempt to add context to their simulated scalping celebrations after made free throws.

Have we heard any Curt Schilling hot takes yet? Because I guarantee Curt Schilling has some fucking HOT Kaepernick takes.

The parenting of this kid is going to make an amazing Wall Street executive / college rapist someday.

Greg Schiano is pissed. He hates when QBs take a knee.

I’ve always wanted to open a brewery called Hip Beerds where all of the staff has glued on hipster beards and fake manbuns and you sell shitty microbrews for $10/pint.

I find it hard to believe that a guy that wears this to an awards show is a douchebag.

I used to be really into cyber. Then my mom found my chat history and uninstalled AOL instant messenger.

Hopefully NBC works this into his inspirational backstory.