What are the odds the 3 step “bug” wasn’t a bug at all and the feature was removed to address server issues?
What are the odds the 3 step “bug” wasn’t a bug at all and the feature was removed to address server issues?
There is a pretty good website that explains how vaccines cause autism:
Someone on Facebook said that you can tell Trump is a better parent than Hillary by comparing Chelsea and Ivanka. I asked what was it about Ivanka that was so much more impressive than Chelsea. Turns out it’s HOTNESS.
At the end of every work day, I look down at my task bar and see a composed email that I swore I hit the send button on.
Must have had the clothes in the wrong section. This is the only “future president” outfit on Target.com.
All of the Texas delegates wear stupid hats and denim everything every year.
At this point Republicans might as well just make their platform “whatever young people hate” and be done with it.
And Bill Cosby interacted with thousands of women he didn’t rape.
End of article needs an update that says “Picture changed to look less like a vagina”
As a Kinja commenter I was hoping I would get the sarcasm benefit of the doubt. Also, I wish each Gawker entity didn’t have their own “greys.” I’ve been out of the greys forever on the main Gawker site and can’t seem to bust through on Jezebel, Kotaku, etc. Oh well.
That conversation where a congressman brought a snowball inside to refute global warming was super intelligent.
Echo chamber. She believes everyone thinks like this and that she did nothing wrong. We’ll probably see a social media rant from her in the next few days that includes the terms “PC”, “safe spaces”, “participation trophies”, “SJWs”, and “transgenders” and it will be shared 1,000s of times by Trump supporters.
I like the generosity. Think it makes the game more fun. Hopefully this puts an end to people thinking that Roadhog’s hook is hitscan. The reason you occasionally hook people through walls is that people have a large hitbox and they probably gave the hook projectile a large hitbox as well.
This is true. Idle animations typically don’t move the hit boxes.
UFC is the Russia of sports.
FWIW, I’ve played over 100 games of Overwatch and only seen/heard the word n*gger typed once. And in general only ran into about 4 toxic players. Which is a goddam miracle.
I think he’s doing the dice thing too much.
Pretty ridiculous to cheat when you can just select McCree.
Thankfully, nothing bad has ever happened due to a rushed construction project.