
I feel this guy’s pain. My 2 year old constantly destroys all of the lego spaceships I make and I am forced to spend another 10 minutes building a new one.

A large percentage of Americans don’t have the mental capacity to move past the idea that the government is taking their hard-earned money and giving it to lazy people.

Is she really that calculated though? Giving speeches to Goldman for the money when you are already worth 100 million during which most of your base hates banks and there is a literal movement going on against Wall Street seems like the dumbest thing in the world.

So...none of the NBC stuff works which is mind-boggling because ummm, it’s free promotion for your shows.

The worst part is that I thought the jokes (for the most part) in the trailer were pretty decent but god that laugh track. So terrible.

Donald Trump is one of the nominees for President.

All of the admiration I had for Russia’s Olympic performances has been forever tarnished.

Can confirm. I saw Lance Armstrong prevent a helicopter from taking off by using his...wait for it... strong arm.

Donald Trump had the support of a surprising number of Evangelicals which actually shouldn’t be surprising because the only thing Evangelicals feel more intensely than their love of Jesus is their hatred of anyone different than them.

We need to throw this man in jail.

According to my Republican friends, people on welfare buy all the coolest stuff and eat the best food with their food stamps so I’m teaching my kid to be unemployed.

When further pressed about which ESPN employees were the racists, Schilling replied “all the black ones.”

Because these people lead sad, lonely lives.

This is pretty standard in the fantasy genre. Characters split apart and then get re-united. However, most of the time they are apart for half a book. Martin keeps them apart for half the series.

So this guy needs to use the women’s restroom?

I got made fun of for now knowing how to pronounce PewDiePie once. I sounded it all out and apparently that’s wrong.

some men have suggested that the Bernie Bro does not exist at all, but is rather a Clintonian smear tactic.

Zero fucks Obama is the best Obama.

I think people just like to feel really strongly about something. Bernie or bust doesn’t make much sense but an overwhelming hatred of all things Republican is a pretty decent hill to stand on.