
I’m totally unrelated news, Anthony Kennedy voted to legalize sports betting while lobbying for Kavanaugh’s appointment

You libs are truly desperate. Find a fucking hobby already.

Lol you turn a blind eye to Hillary’s unethical and probably illegal use of Foundation funds, but pillory Kavanaugh for buying season tickets on his own dime. That’s probably a lot of revolving debt for a barista, but it’s chump change for a Federal judge. 

Initial reports have PacMan avoiding the confrontation, grabbing something to eat, and then seeking out his attacker.

is it your false belief that athletes at this level aren’t also interested in only winning? Different cultures aside, there are reasons high-level athletes often choose coaches who berate them so much... it pushes them to places they didn’t think they could go. This is just a weird article you peddled out here. And

ANNOUNCER VOICE: “.....The ball appears to be following me home......He is not driving the vehicle......I have to assume it is an Uber type service.......Now he’s entering my domicile and beginning to perform coitus on my spouse......This has not been my day, guys HahaHaha......man he is REALLY going to town on her...”

“Well, why can’t they play the whole game like they did for that last goal?

Shit. You know whoever Trump replaces him with is going to totally suck.

Wait, if you’re saying you forgot the first one with the Cavs before Miami, then you are recalling 4 in Miami and these 4 in Cleveland.

Geez, maybe he shouldn’t have tried to be the General Manager then.

I’m replying to you even though my reply is slightly off topic, because one of the people who replied to you keeps dismissing my replies pointing out the misleading statement in their post, but I think it’s important to point out why it’s misleading.

I hate to do it, but compare that situation to Golden State, where they took a #7, #11 & #35 pick and turned all 3 into potential HOFers. And fault Steph or Dray for whatever you will, but their egos and personalities didn’t preclude the FA megastar that is KD from coming to join forces. All four of the guys have

No, no, no. LeBron only has 3 overall top picks and the highest payroll in the league to work with. Let’s not pretend any of this falls on his shoulders. Look at the hand he was dealt!

It’s racist because a bunch of 20-something white writers and commenters on Deadspin say it is.

You are correct, sir. I’m about as liberal as they come, and I just can’t get on board with this. “Cotton-picking” is not a racist term. Let’s not all start pretending that it is. I feel like someone heard this, said to themselves, “what a second, SLAVES used to pick cotton. That’s racist!” And went from there. So

Meh. I’ve never rolled a burrito.

The phrase wasn’t originated in racist tones though. It actually is used as a replacement for swearing, and that’s how it originated. Just because something originated in the south while slaves were there doesn’t make it racist. If I (I’m Latino) say a black guy “looks blue” is that “racially charged” because the

This was a horrendous take. 2018, where offended happens!

I’m mad that I clicked on this article

That word has only one purpose, which is to degrade. If it cannot be used by everyone (shouldn’t by anyone, in my view), then it’s meaning hasn’t changed. You cannot co-opt a slur; it’s never benign.