

Then it’s even more pathetic. I just assumed Deadspin was desperately trying to get attention because it was down. It’s up and this is a punch down and not a punch up?


Yeah, instead of mocking Florida (for once), can we please just ALL FUCKING DO THIS?

This is a great idea and the entire country should do it. Fuck 5 PM sunsets.

That’s funny that he thinks it’s racist...because the reality is this wasn’t one bit about the players. College was worried they would be hurt because stars wouldn’t get any college play...and the NBA was worried they would pay for high school talent that wasn’t ready.

This just in, George Soros is starting tonight against the Clippers. Can’t wait to see his jump shot.

Imagine a world, where content creators are paid by the word....

That struck me as really odd too. Like she’s bragging about doing her job where she literally has all the power all the time.

Pretty amazing how she came up with the courage to talk so tough while to the most hated man in American while sentencing him. The humblebrag “I”m not vulnerable” was incredibly brave.

I’m glad somebody still enjoys a nice pass during all this #MeToo nonsense.

The most interesting part to me any time something like this happens is watching to see who exactly pretends they don’t know exactly what the second word was.

I don’t trust people who use affinity for animals/pets as a litmus test for humanity because those people are emotionally and psychologically retarded.

Irony in using this picture is that Gillette Stadium, as far as I know, was entirely privately funded.

I’m not real familiar with how tax-exempt bonds work - but wouldn’t this usually be a state/local/municipality issue rather than a federal one? I.e., I always thought it was city and states that handed out this money to rich dickheads so they don’t move their teams to another city willing to shell out money for a new

Another day, another outrage. I’m pretty sure there’s some language buried in there somewhere mandating mass killings of puppies and kittens.

He deserves a second chance guys. NFL is known for giving second chances, think of Michael Vick, Adrian Peterson, Colin Kae...::checks earpiece:: ...Ezekiel Elliott...

At first, I was excited to see footage of his perfect game, but then I realized I’d just watched the GIF loop 12 times.

It’s just not the same without LeVar Burton. 

“Allegedly” should stand, as infuriating as that may be....

Major League Soccer is proving by their actions that they are not Anti-Racist like they say they are or Anti-Fascist like they would like to say they are.