No. They don’t.
No. They don’t.
If I were to fight in the UFC against Amanda Nunes, I would get my ass handed to me. That would not change the point that men should not be fighting against women in the UFC. Telfer only has women’s D2 athletic ability, so of course he’s lost to women. Doesn’t change the fact that being biologically male extends to…
Tried the corner and missed.
Major League 2 isn’t bad on its own, but, yeah, it is a far cry from the masterpiece that is Major League.
Goddamn...the Trump Derangement Syndrome gives me sustenance. Hook this sort of delusion directly to my veins.
I got you, my man. I’ve heard they have a video tribute planned. The entire Mavs organization is taking a bus down there for the game, too.
If that isn’t the mother of all “revisionist history and rose colored glasses collide”, then I don’t know what is.
I was wondering what the Deadspin sympathetic spin was going to look like when it was a Democrat doing outright racist stuff. I assume we’re glossing over the sexual assault allegations for the #2 in charge, correct?
Does “unhanded” mean kicking a ball to him?
Name, I don’t know, two times she’s been undercut by Trump.
Keep the Trump Derangement Syndrome coming. Hook it directly to my veins.
An increasingly prominent part of my life in 2018 is the urge to grab and cling onto anything that seems, even a little bit, like it might be the thing that Finally Defeats Donald Trump.
Due process is a bitch, isn’t it?
The rule is to protect the tackler and the tacklee.
My employer is a bully that is intimidating its employees in to wearing pants to work. Woe is me.
Um, Trump wasn’t the sitting president when he “played ball” with him.
Precisely the false sense of security that leads to tragedies like this.
Wait, if you’re saying you forgot the first one with the Cavs before Miami, then you are recalling 4 in Miami and these 4 in Cleveland.
The songs referenced here are *literally* for sale to anyone willing to shell out $0.99 to own them.