
If you want female soccer players to earn more money, care about them more than once every 2 years (World Cup, Olympics)!

The USSF does pay the salaries of the NWSL, essentially propping it up. This is the point that they’re making and Deadspin calls dubious,,,

The female world champs got beat by a group of random 14 year old kids in Texas look it up... Also, the men’s team is paid orders of magnitude less than the women’s relative to the amount of money they bring in. Math isn’t complicated unless you’re a leftist.

As long as the women are full-time employees of US Soccer (in a strongly pro-USWNT article, The Guardian had their pay scale at $100,000 / year plus NWSL salaries of between $60K & $67.5K / year https://bit.ly/2ITTatr — much of it paid by the USSF, which suggests the USSF fact sheet is pretty accurate) it will be hard

If you didn’t want spoilers for things that already aired in Little Rock, you shouldn’t have come to a Little Rock focused blog.

It isn’t that hard. But it becomes almost untenable when you instantly characterize someone with a differing opinion as someone who “has never cared about women’s athletics” “Just hates fags” “clutches their bibles” etc. etc.

Jeopardy’s for the OTHER nerds. Obviously their enjoyment of something this guy - and those who starred him - doesn’t personally like doesn’t matter at all.

I’m in the grays so nobody will ever see this, but I bet the Spurs are gonna do a little something nice for him tonight. I wonder if Timmy and Manu will be at the game. 

Remember when #SaveusAvenetti was trending on twitter and CNN had him in polls of 2020 Presidential candidates while the left shouted down anyone who tried to discredit him as a scumbag ambulance chaser? Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, folks...

Dude’s the number 1 contender and was willing to sign on with a months notice, but you somehow find a way to blame Dana White.  

You mean the drapes paid for by the Obama admin? 

What was the point of this incoherent rambling thing you call a blog post?

Name, I don’t know, two times she’s been undercut by Trump.

Keep the Trump Derangement Syndrome coming.  Hook it directly to my veins.   

I know this isn’t going to go well but is it possible that they only receive 20% of revenue because the WNBA as a whole is NOT as profitable as the NBA? They have to pull less revenue because the cost of running the league is equal to the NBA but the revenue is not equal to the NBA?  I could be mistaken but last time

I hope this comment makes it out of the greys, and I definitely don’t want this perceived as an attack on Laura or any editors but,

How is it legal? I dunno—ask the party that used to represent workers and unions, but during the 1990s decided to crawl into bed with Wall Street and big corporations—where it remains today.

I’ll never stop laughing at people afraid of class warfare. Motherfuckers, class warfare has been going on for the last seventy goddamn years.

um... they own the company man. The whole point of a leveraged by out is that you’re going to fire employees and reduce benefits in order to service the debt. Like that’s literally what a PE firm is setup to do.

Sorry, I have been on vacation for a lot of this. I kept hearing something about Papa and the “n-word.”