
What sort of profit margins do you think business owner’s make? How much do you think a, say, 50% reduction in CEO compensation would make with regards to being able to pay employees more?

This ought to be good....

And the value of the dollar goes down as purchasing power increases, thus raising prices across the entire market, putting us right back where we started.

Are you proposing that having the CEO work for free, while cashing all stock options out and giving the value to the employees, would adequately address the issue? McDonald’s employs over 850,000 people. If the CEO liquidated his entire compensation and paid it out to the employees, they’d all get less than $10 for

McDonald’s has 859,978 employees. Steve Eastbrook’s salary, per your link, was $1.025MM. If he drew no salary whatsoever, every employee would get $1.20 more for the entire year. The rest of his compensation was in stock options. If he cashed those in and gave ALL of that money to the employees, while still

If American citizens were one of the left’s protected classes (like illegal immigrants are, apparently), the lefties would be up in arms over Hillary’s insistence that 30MM+ Americans were deplorable and irredeemable. Libs only seem to care about divisive and discriminating talk when it falls under their go-to

Well, what are your 10?

Wait, “posse” is a racist term now?

Link to Clinton being projected to win by over 2MM votes? I’m looking at CNN and Fox News and the gap has hovered somewhere around 400k +/- 15k. She’ll also finish with fewer votes than Bush in ‘04 (62MM) and almost certainly finish with fewer than Romney in ‘12 (60.9MM).

I wish more people had this attitude. Put on your big boy/girl pants and get back on the grind. I’m not doubting the problems Trump will create, but this give-up attitude isn’t helping anything.

Trump won with fewer votes than Romney lost with. Why don’t people also acknowledge that Hillary was a candidate so flawed that she couldn’t even get people motivated enough to go vote against someone as awful as Trump? That is at least as big of a factor.

Do Nielsen ratings take in to consideration things like SlingTV?

Ironic, given that mindset reflects the majority of liberals.

Cuban was being tapped by the Trump campaign for insight in to matters, particularly regarding the tech industry, and he was quite supportive of the possibility of a Trump presidency. Not out and out supporting Trump or Hillary, but rode the fence a bit and what little criticism he had, he applied to both candidates

That’s what I ask of people that DO use that word and I’ve yet to hear a rational answer. *shrug*

You were asked what a “lazy Mexican” costume looked like, then posted a picture of a cartoon that you now admit is NOT representative of what the costumes were. That cartoon picture shows a happy person relaxing next to a beer. If the skin tone were lighter and he had a mesh cap on, would it still be calling someone


You’re saying that people put on a mustache and a sombrero, then carried around an oversized beer bottle with a lime in it and laid down on it? I find that hard to believe. Besides, what makes that cartoon an indictment on Mexicans for being lazy?

SJWs and their triggers....

I went to a Mexican restaurant for my daughter’s birthday. I think it is fair to call it a Mexican restaurant because it says so on the sign that was erected by the first generation Mexican immigrant owners (I know them, we’ve been eating there for 20+ years). When it came time to celebrate my daughter’s birthday,

I bet the #BLM folks that are in need of a new TV are disappointed that she wasn’t shot by a white cop instead.