
They had the nerve to show other players than the ones kneeling? What is this world coming to!?!?!?!!?

Because liberal.

Why is it bullshit? After all, the full time DH is paid to hit the ball, not throw it.

Wait...it is the policy’s fault that these players can’t meet a pretty low standard that they were fully aware of before entering the league?

The entire Black Lives Matter movement is cancerous, counterproductive, and pathetically misguided. I wouldn’t expect anything less than looting and rioting from that group of shitheads.

You forgot to drop the mic. Your wading through some pretty deep liberal waters, here, so anything that doesn’t resemble piling on Trump or anything that does resemble criticizing saints of the left will be met with irrational resistance and an unwillingness to listen to facts.

In fact, our national fear has made us irrational.

I think there are more that will read it and think “how despicable must Hillary be that Donald can be this terrible of a human and he still seems like the lesser of two evils”.

If the sitting POTUS or the next potential POTUS is a doomsday scenario for you (even metaphorically), then you’re doing it wrong. They’re both terrible candidates who will some how manage to come in under the embarrassingly low bar set by the current POTUS, but I control a lot more of my world than they do. A job,

Steal them or buy them legally from a society of the same race that was complicit in the practice?

It is a good question, though. If you can’t have men’s and women’s bathrooms, how do you have separate men’s and women’s basketball teams? Presumably, there is some way that you are “eligible” for the women’s basketball team. Is it really as simple as “I identify as female” or is there a higher standard than that?


I just got a set of the Lolas. They sound really nice un-amped off of even mediocre devices. Plugged in to an inexpensive Fiio amp and they go from really nice to absolutely outstanding. I had the amp to drive my TripleFi 10s that just bit the dust. These are quite the departure from the UE offering, but I’m so far

Tom Ley, apparently.

I thought the same thing about Gran Turismo. Fantastic series of games.

Deadspin did. This is the photo without the black boxes or cropping to hide the logo on his shoes:

They are Adidas logos and Deadspin is certainly behind blacking them out. They even cropped the photo so as not to include the logo on his shoes.

Yeah, but the thing is, in cases where the officer did something wrong, they have faced sever consequences. In the ones where they didn’t, they face none. Why is this concept so hard to grasp and/or accept?

You say that the result is always an acquittal as if it were invalid or evidence of a cover up. #BLM was born from the “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative of the Michael Brown case. The Department of Justice (headed by a black guy appointed by a black president) investigated the incident and found that the shot was

Until someone proposes legislation making it a crime to protest the flag, then no one is denying him anything. Criticizing != Denying

He isn’t suggesting to legislate when/how he should protest, he is just saying that this particular method isn’t a good one, in his opinion.