
Which cases, specifically, are you referring to where someone “got away with murder”?

Provide capital/resources to organizations that affect change? Carve time out of any press conference to make a statement? Volunteer to give speeches on the matter?

There are any number of ways he could further his cause that aren’t disrespectful and, more importantly, are actually much more effective. His National

Country != Governement

Libbies and their appeals to the extreme are just the cutest thing ever.

Time for another #BLM protest! Let’s take to the streets!

*literally looks at picture of suspects*

*figuratively looks the other way*

Collin Kaepernick is our hero!!!!

I think for Ashley, and her ilk, the low-hanging fruit is all they are capable of reaching.

I think the only Cure is for them to realize that it’s Friday.

Goddamn, man. That fucked up my Friday.


Decades of holding that (potentially false) quote against him with the implication that he isn’t liberal enough, he doesn’t care enough about the issues people obligate him to care about, or *gasp* he isn’t black enough. He cuts two checks that, large as they may be, are about the equivalent of you and I tossing a

He didn’t confront or engage the cops and he didn’t resist arrest. It shouldn’t come as any surprise that he didn’t get shot. BLM protesters are probably pissed that he didn’t charge the cops and get shot. It’d have given them a reason to skip another day of work.

Other than the liberals burning flags outside the arena and swearing at cops, it hasn’t resembled that at all so far.

He already got compensated for taking less money, though. The agreement is “you take less money and we’ll sign Lebron and Bosh, then get you some rings”.

Everyone acts as though Wade “gave up” $25MM and got nothing in return other than a warm fuzzy feeling for being philanthropic. He traded that money for the chance to win titles and he got them. If he expects to cash in at the end of his career, then he didn’t give up anything, he just deferred payment to a later

Subtle, but well crafted.

Beat him at his own joke. Well done.

What is the point of having a guy commentate on the game in real-time? If you’re interested in the game, wouldn’t you be watching the actual game instead?

That’s good. Real good.

No kidding. If this happened last year, “singlehandedly” might fit. He was great this year, but he was far from a lone wolf in these Finals.

As insufferable as Clevelanders were before they got a title, they are somehow becoming more insufferable after getting one.