
Gawker media right now:

The screen was illegal because Irving took off to the basket before Mozgov could get set. It is Irving’s fault that it was a foul, but I don’t think it was dirty.

I suspect the totality of my time on this rock includes a point where I looked up that word, though it didn’t happen at the specific time or for the particular reason you think it did. It is common knowledge, so I didn’t have to look it up again. I was merely providing you two sources to find the error of your ways.

Not to stand in the way of you starting the process of getting your panties out of their wadded state, but “um” is a recognized interjection by the good folks at Merriam-Webster and Oxford. Perhaps the added frequency of the letter “m”, for emphasis, is the source of your angst? That said, I wouldn’t have thought that

How do you describe someone who can’t formulate their point without making up a word like “clownliness"?

Ummm...we can all see it in the video, but thanks for converting video to text?

Why is that?

Nearly 10 years before the Broadcast.com deal, he sold MicroSolutions to CompuServe for $6MM.

It is their line that is made of wet toilet paper - their line is actually really good - it is Romo’s collarbone.

No. The real worry is that he isn’t able to come back.

But....I mean...he doesn’t have cancer....

Thisis what you and so many other people fail to understand. The concern isn’t that transgender people are molesters, few people are claiming that, the concern is that peeping Toms and other people with impure motives can claim as though they’re transgender and you, nor anyone else, can say shit about it. Molesting

Oh, I hate them plenty.

You are not offended enough by this and that offends me.

+1 extra chromosome

I immediately figured that I’d find a good “oblongata” joke in the comments section. Having read this one, it looks like I’m going to have to keep searching.

What a memorable night for those tens of fans.

THIS is the correct Kinja for this article.

Ahh...you must be one of those “Bernie is anti-establishment” people. Tell me if you’ve heard this one before: A career politician running for president wants to expand government and increase the people’s dependence on it. He’s no outsider, unless messy hair and a “cute” name qualify.

On top of that, his overtly

Say what you will about the quality (or lack of) in the candidates that represent this shift, but at least the GOP has allowed some outsiders to gain traction. The DNC just keeps trotting out the same establishment BS over and over.

Maybe next cycle we’ll get an outsider with some professionalism, some real plans, and