
Close, but it was Cameron’s dad’s Ferrari that got knocked off the podium.

So, either Bernie, Hillary, Cruz, et. al. are also racists piles of shit, or Trump is a departure from the standard crop of presidential candidates.

Ofcourse he is. Why do you think politicians on both sides of the aisle are so up in arms over him?

What I love most about Trump’s run at the presidency is this. For YEARS we’ve been collectively calling for an end to the status quo and to start electing leaders that aren’t the same career politician crap we’ve been putting up with. Now that Trump represents the biggest change from what we’re used to, he’s got a lot

She’s liberal, which makes her untouchable. Deadspin would turn on Oliver so fast if he dared expose a democrat.

Link to Trump calling for murder?

As fortune and performance favors one, it must inevitably disfavor another to an equal and opposite degree.

Hardly any Mavs fans seriously follow that schmuck. The radio (Chuck Cooperstein) and TV (Mark Followill) voices embrace analytics as a supplement to their craft and have a much more rational social media presence.

Right idea, poor execution.

It is totally worth hearing the crowd’s reaction, though.

You’ll be called a highlight truther, which is unfair, because it is the misleading headline and description in the article that forced your hand.

All the stars!!!!

The story has tugged at the heartstrings of NBA fans. I’m not surprised they showed it.

I’ve long contended that it isn’t religion that is the asshole, it is the assholes that are the assholes. There are plenty of them in all faiths as well as assholes that aren’t religious. There are a lot of good messages in religious texts, like the Bible, even if there are a lot of bad ones. Good people find

Damnit...In all the cuts of that clip, not one gives us a long look at Chris Paul giving Green the business after that dunk.

You mean you were able to walk away from a team coming off of 5 straight losing seasons with a combined winning percentage of less than 32%? That must take some stones.

You can’t rewrite your own history just because someone wasn’t impressed.

At no point did he suggest teaching those 5 players to shoot free throws at a historically great percentage and become, arguably, the greatest free-throw shooters in the game today, if not all time. So no, it is not the same as saying “why don’t all the other players just practice threes until they can shoot like

Great, so now you are saying homosexuals are like animals?

It is pricey, but the best Sazerac I’ve ever had is a homemade one with WhistlePig 10. I do also think that 1 dash Agostura and 2 dashes of Peychaud’s is where it is at, though going with Peychaud’s exclusively is good, too.