
Get the fuck outta here with your #notallmen apologia. The reason why a minority of men can get away with such spectactularly bad behavior is that the rest of us participate in power structures that ensure that they don’t suffer any consequences for it. Nobody gets a pass for not being actively sexist in a patriarchal

I mean, it may be a minority but I think it’s a lot of men. Just going by how I get treated walking down the street everyday. The silent majority of men should check their friends who say gross shit to women (37 weeks pregnant and the harassment has gotten really disturbing. There’s something really ironic about

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.

The word “selie” still gives me a physical tic and I can’t bring myself to say it out loud. “Nekki” is INCREDIBLE why aren’t we using that instead?! Introducing it to my vocbulary right now.

for dogs

Is a nude selfie still a nude selfie if it’s censored?


No, that’s bullshit. She didn’t have to appropriate specific cultural stories. In writing the original series she didn’t make Jesus and Muhammad wizards, or Imams or Catholic priests or etc etc. Had she done so the screaming would still be going on. She created a mythos and culture for her wizards that was entirely

My husband’s grandmother at her 100th birthday party (attended by the city mayor): “I don’t let them give me flu shots. You have to give death a chance.”

A better question is, “You just found out your true love has been fucking a goat every three months. Are they still your true love?”

I think certain guys donning drag have been amazing in doing so. Nick Kroll on Kroll Show with his Liz and Liz sketches was great, as he was lampooning the vapid air of Bravo reality shows. The Kids in the Hall guys were equally brilliant, regardless of which characters they were playing. And right now, Louie Anderson

He thinks it’s funny for a straight man to wear a dress and a wig, to speak like a drunk baby, and to jump up and down with a limp wrist after seeing a friend.

Hey Kirk, remember when I was laying odds on how quick we were gonna get this comment?

Referring to women as “females” definitely helps your credibility here...

Nobody deserves to be abused.

For the same reason why people go back to abusive parters. It can take a while to recognize how bad a situation is, and even then, you’ve got the emotional equivalent of the sunk-cost fallacy, feelings of self-worth and the hope that if you do the exact right things, everything will be better and this will be an

One room for boys! One room for girls! Intersex people get to shit in a cupboard!

why? Can’t control yourself?

“...you can understand how Lori Maddox could have possibly developed not just a sincere desire to fuck adult men but the channels to do it basically in public; why an entire scene encouraged her, photographed her, gave her drugs that made all of it feel better, loved her for it, celebrated her for it, for years. You