My JCC isn’t even in the US, and it’s had to evacuate for bomb threats. Last time I went, there were posters from a local Muslim organization expressing sympathy and solidarity- made me tear up.
Shouldn’t Christians want to be persecuted?
My dad’s side of the family were miners- immigrants who couldn’t speak English and couldn’t get a job anywhere else. Even those who learned English were stuck in the mines and most were old and cast off by 30 or 40. It just kills me when people like that man use the coal miners as some indicator of the glory days of…
This is why I am a lapsed Christian, even though I come from a long line of good ministers who actually did the real work of feeding the poor and comforting the sick. The level of outright fucknuttery and false piety in the American Christian church is breathtaking... I just couldn’t take it anymore.
Hold up... I know PLENTY of Americans who do manual labor and are glad to do it (just ask the construction crew who reno’ed my bathroom last year).
I’m am seeing more and more Jesusplaining from Evangelical Christians lately. It’s getting increasingly toxic because 81% of white EC’s voted for Trump and they absolutely refuse to back down off that position. BUT! They still want to occupy the moral high ground. Here’s a recent example from this weekend - a…
“Cool” fact! A Methodist church in Nashville put out banners last year that said “God Loves Everyone Unconditionally” and NOT ONLY were the banners ripped down, someone carved (yes, carved) a swastika into their wooden doors. So if a church is really aching for some’a that sweet sweet persecution, all they have to do…
Evangelical christians think they are the most persecuted group in America right now. My personal theory is that their definition of “persecuted” is “not getting everything I want exactly when I want it and having to deal with the consequences of being an asshole.”
Anytime I hear anyone complain about a “war on Christmas,” I point them in the direction of the nearest Target. Don’t tell me there’s a war on Christmas when the ENTIRE holiday section is Christmasy, except the tiny Hanukkah endcap (we have an actual aisle at mine, but that’s because I live in a reeeeeeally Jewish…
My father used to CONSTANTLY bitch about Hillary never talking about “what she was going to do for white males.” My mother and I constantly reminded him that as a white, Christian male, he never has to worry about his rights being impeded just because other groups are recognized as equal. He continued to whine and…
Here’s an interesting fact: Christmas was actually outlawed in England and parts of America for a time.
“Tolerate my intolerance!” - the rallying cry of the Right.
Having debated Christians since I was like...11, you will find that they all tend to pick and choose, and then distort, the Bible to whatever they want it to be.
IKR? Jesus do us all a favor and come back post haste and flip some tables - preferably in the House and Senate. First.
From the Constitution of Kentucky, Bill of Rights:
God, Catholics are the best of the Christians. At least their vocative desire is for goodness and the feet-washing and the neighbor caring.
This is a lie on the official POTUS account: