Oxo Moron

Maybe in that rusty cauldron of a brain of his with bats flying around and little dressed up animals the thought is dinging around that this is the way to show that Macron he’s not a pussy, since it’s Paris. (Trudeau too.)

It’s in “Fear And Loathing On The Campaign Trail”! They wasn’t important enough to be named at the time, but Thompson describes Hart tearing him a new one for completely fucking up the vote in the South and sending them both packing.

The Clinton campaign is why we have Trump.

No, but have we ever had a candidate that lost to one of the shittiest human beings on the planet? He’s a man with damn near no redeeming qualities other than he knows how to bloviate *just* right in order to maximize media covfefe.

As someone who didn’t vote for her, I actually feel really bad for her. She was perceived as a shoe in for the job she always wanted, even if it meant endoring literally decades of false, many times disgusting lies about her and her family. She ends up losing to a guy whose biggest talent is producing Facebook level

OMG! I need the headings on a bumper sticker. Although I live in the weeds, so a Trumpie might deface my car, but hey at least I can enrage them with the truth of what they support.

It was a horrifying read. Some slimy lawyer in Owings Mills is their go-to guy for harassing poor people, half of whom (based on the story) were legally in the right but the courts sided with the rich pricks anyway. Poor folks who don’t meticulously keep everything documented seem to have been their big targets. For a

Exactly right. It’s really not that hard to determine whether anyone is meaningfully collectible for a small balance in a quick fashion.

Unless I’m missing something, his dogged pursuit of fees has lost him many thousands of dollars more than he ever could make by successfully collecting. He’s losing a lot of money for the sole sake of being a dick.

Right, like...how are you still chasing $3000 after five years? How much have you spent for that dead woman’s pennies, you idiot?

At this point with all these trump cronies, what could any of them do that would surprise us?

Kush also holds grudges like his pop-in-law. That’s how Chris Christie got trolled so hard by the Trump campaign, ‘cause Jared was avenging his daddy’s humiliation at the hands of Christie.

The court docket of JK2 Westminster’s case against [one tenant, Kamiia Warren], for instance, spans more than three years and 112 actions — for a sum that amounts to maybe two days’ worth of billings for the average corporate-law-firm associate

One more thing to add to the list: I read Trump would very much like to privatize his “infrastructure” repair, which I take to mean turning thousands of roads into toll roads for maximum corporate profit, fleecing millions of Americans every time they drive to work.

I can’t even pretend to be surprised about any of this. Meanwhile a “Jared Kushner is actually a decent human being” headline would shock the hell out of me. Good thing that will never happen.

Who’s not shocked? Kushner/Trump are two sides of the same coin. As the last Tweet above said, Ivanka essentially married her father:

He’s like the stereotype of an evil fatcat. I wonder what the pro-Trump crowd will think of this. I keep hearing about how Jared and Ivanka are so great. They’ll keep Trump in line. They’re smart, and it’s good they are there. Yet, every actual piece of information we find out about either one of them makes them look

“They know how to work this stuff...they know what to do...and I really can’t afford that.” And this is why the rich are rich, and why Trump, DeVos and the rest are currently scrapping any and all consumer protection rules, agencies and laws that they can - so they can take what little America has left and put it in