Oxo Moron

I need to read that again!

(I’m British and in the UK, feel free to tell me to mind my own business.)

People are going to stop buying your stuff if you carry on like this.

If I were under investigation for colluding with foreign spies I wouldn’t be propogating the idea that I tweet out secret code words to shadowy “groups”. But then, I’m not president and can’t play 76-dimension quantum chess.

If I were under investigation for colluding with foreign spies I wouldn’t be propogating the idea that I tweet out secret code words to shadowy “groups”. But then, I’m not president and can’t play 76-dimension quantum chess.

After trying to read up a bit on this I found that there are quite a lot of accounting sheenanigans around these figures. The example that I recall now is that the USA includes spending on the health of its military people, which (generally) is covered by national health services (or similar) in other NATO countries,

The 2% thing is a target and it is designed to be met by 2024. I doubt everyone will meet it, though. I believe Iceland spends about 0.1% of GDP (this is from memory, I may be wrong) of GDP on defence.

I read somewhere - probably here - that a single American carrier group was the world’s fifth largest airforce.

Brexit is a fucking disaster and I want a full public enquiry into the campaign financial sheenanigans, fake news, and ties to the fucking Mercer family.

Sometimes “we” are proud of it, and sometimes we wonder if it would be a good idea to write some of our rights down properly.

Most Americans have no idea what socialism is. Just that they don’t like it.

It’s mutual defence. That’s what an alliance is.

Did that really, actually happen?!?!?!?!

I’ve lived most of my life under Tory governments and I’ve never voted Conservative in my life and I’d hate to think of anyone thinking that of me, too!

I kinda love the idea of Trump’s America under sanctions! But I think your markets are worth too much for that. I think this will lead to a rise in European self confidence and interdependence though. Such a fucking tragedy for my country that we voted our way out of it in the same fucking populist nationalist

I’m saying a lot on this thread, but I’d like to agree with Borealis, that I’m very glad to have found Jezebel and other sites when I was flailing around in panic trying to find out more after the election. (British here.)

From my experience, a small but vocal part of his base - the Fox news and further to the right part - don’t think it matters what France thinks because it has already “fallen”.


Someone will just chin him.