Oxo Moron
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This is for those among us that think the rural Trump supporters will wake up and smell the coffee once they notice the factories aren’t coming back and now they cannot afford the cheap healthcare ACA granted them; here’s a woman crediting Donald Trump, president for all of two months who has yet to sign a single

40-foot ladders and shovels to help dig down more than 6 feet.

Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.

I wish the media would focus more on the Mercer family (the billionaire donors who convinced Trump to hire Conway and Bannon). They make the Koch brothers look positively benign.

Does the Cheeto King bring a his stupid peanut gallery with him everywhere now? Because he cracked that ‘joke’ about Merkel and people guffawed, but I didn’t actually SEE anyone laughing. Or maybe it’s just a laugh track.

Not that I remember, I believe it was Ivan the Mad that killed his own son. Then again, the history of Russian rulers is rife with family murdering each other so it could be that Peter did it as well.

Ryan has been in Congress since 1998, he doesn’t need Trump’s brigade of mouth-breathers. They hate Ryan anyway (thanks, Breitbart!). That tape will do him no favors, either.

Ah, but they can get Pence to sign any damn thing they want just as easily as Trump. In fact, Pence would be easier to work it. They are grooming him to be President (just see how they trot him out and how he makes all the right statements and all the right Tweets). I just don’t think they want to pull the plug on

While this is funny, does anyone else look back to The X-Files and worry that it influenced our times too much? Like it might not have given us Agent Orange, but if it didn’t exist would he listen to InfoWars and Alex Jones?

The comparison I’d make is more Peter III. Arrogant, incompetent, and pissing on the poor as only a tsar could, and what did he do with his spare time?

I don’t think so, you are giving Ryan too much credit. They still need him to sign whatever nonsense they put in front of him. They will wait until the evidence against him is so overwhelming they can’t ignore it anymore. I mean at least two of his staffers were caught lying under oath (one being fired) and they

Said the massively unhappy, friendless, divorced man.

They should start by having the FBI subpoena president’s tax returns - then appoint an independent forensic team to review. See where that leads. FBI should also speak with the British former agent who compiled the dossier on Trump and his visits to Russia. See where that path goes. Then submit it all for judicial

You mean you want Trump to forcibly relocate people to a city he build and named after himself (somehow it wouldn’t surprise me if he tried that) and shaving of peoples beards in public?

That and they hate government. Their whole lives, it’s just been like, government is bad because taxes pay for it, and I hate paying taxes. So clearly we should not have government.

Exactly. They’ve spent all their energy creating imaginary foes to fight - they have less idea of what to do than a schoolyard bully who holds your books above your head while taunting you. The bully doesn’t want the books, he just wants to fight. Give him the books and he’ll just stands there slack-jawed - which is

hmm, paranoia + persecution complex + massive unchecked power. What could go wrong guys?

“Hey! C’mon, man! Don’t drag me into this!”