Oxo Moron


This is part of why the media is making so mad. Roger fucking Stone should be front page news...hell his comment about Assange was on the front of The Guardian’s page.

I’ve got a “dumb Republican relative statement” that happened just a few minutes ago.

God damn Roger Stone- his tweets are pretty much the definition of smoking gun and everybody forgets about it. I mean, HE TWEETED ABOUT THE RUSSIAN HACK BEFORE IT WAS EVEN HACKED. How is this taking so long to arrest the entire administration

I’m baffled as to why so many journalists, even those critical of Wikileaks, believe they don’t “hack” at all and just procure documents that “people” send them. Don’t they find it just the tiniest bit suspicious that Wikileaks main targets have been Merkel, Macron, Clinton, Obama, etc......?

This just in: Trump Campaign ok’d trip to Moscow for Carter Page back in June...

Every time I say something like that to my conservative family members I’m told not to take their political posts personally. Uh, you just insulted a group I’m a part of, how else am I supposed to take it?

Clearly Roger Stone is doing his job as a go-between.

You could power China for a year by burning all the straw men I’ve seen on FB since the election.

A conservative relative of mine wrote a post on Facebook after the liberal guy who wrote for a left-wing blog was arrested as responsible for some of the bomb threats and wrote how he was laughing at all the dumb Libtards who wished the suspect to be something else. I simply responded “no, libtards like me wished

Why it’s almost like Wikileaks has a vested interest in tamping down suspicions of Russian malfeasance....almost....

Ivanka and Jared are like many people. They think they have taste, they think they are funny, and can run the federal government. They are none of these things.

Kind of nifty for Wikileaks to plan a data dump just in time to create some smoke around Trump’s wiretapping Trashfire.

“Don’t let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin. We are getting along great, and getting major things done!”

“Only a few journalists have truly pursued the issue beyond a cursory take.”

Hey here’s a fun thing; consider what kind of world we’d be living in if 2009 had opened with the following headlines.

It’s a rich field, ripe for harvest. Recently, Rachel Maddow’s been covering Trump’s cronies in Brooklyn’s Russian Mob.

This is a whopper of a mistake by Trump. The Feds had him (and his mob family) under investigation for some time, with respect to Russian money laundering. A year ago, they sought a FISA warrant to wiretap Trump Tower but the judge refused it for insufficient evidence.

Or, conversely, a wiretap — FISA or otherwise — was authorized, which means a judge found probably cause of wrongdoing in the first place.