So I’m not American and I’ve never watched one of these things before but is it always such a schmooze-y circle-jerk kinda feel?
So I’m not American and I’ve never watched one of these things before but is it always such a schmooze-y circle-jerk kinda feel?
Hey, while we’re talking up worthless pieces of human excrement...
Please allow me to translate republican for you.
? Are you talking about media? My Twitter feed was outraged at the civilian deaths. I think the children is a major reason there will actually be probes.
This is a real thing. Apparently having a token friend makes you MORE racist. People say “oh that’s so-and-so. He/she is great, but he/she isn’t like all the other in the group they are from. He/she is __(good quality)__, and the group is _(bad quality)____.” They make their friend the outlier and further demonize the…
The lack of outrage over the deaths of innocent Yemeni Muslim women and children is jarring. The right doesn’t want to talk about it because they hate Muslims, and the left doesn’t want to talk about it because they’ve tied themselves into knots over how best to deal with groups like AQAP.
...and who apparently believes Town Hall Meetings were created for his personal enjoyment. Guess what, Marco: I’d be fine with you having anxiety-based stomach cramps for the rest of your life. Because it would be “fun” for me.
Are we calling him Spicy Sphincter now?
Marco Rubio says town halls used to be fun and blames the liberal activists for ruining them. They’re “not town halls anymore,” he told CBS4-Miami’s Jim DeFede. “And I wish they were because I enjoy that process very much.”
I’ll never not be bitter. Donald Trump can go on to be the greatest, most progressive president in American history, but the simple fact is he ran on a campaign of hatred and fear, and has a long history of being an absolutely awful person. That there are enough people in America in 2017 with the combination of…
I think being bitter about the election is understandable, but it’s time to move forward. We’re not going to get a do over of the presidential election before 2020. Bitterness in general is fine, but instead of spending time on third party voters, I would use it to galvanize yourself into opposition. You don’t have to…
Immigrants are people — news at 11.
Don’t stop being mad, once you stop they win. I have daily fantasies of bashing in the skulls of all 62 million of his voters. They wanted to vote in the farting monster and now they have to deal with some nasty women. No asshole in this fucked up country is going to tell me what to do anymore.
Washington state had a similar moment of “oh shit.” Nine of the ten counties that voted for 🎺 also are the ones that have the greatest use of Obamacare.
This reminds me of every conversation on the subject of politics I’ve had with my father in recent memory. It usually goes something like this...
The DOJ’s about face is absolutely terrifying (and with all due respect, probably should be covered on its own). This was a six year investigation that Sessions just crippled with a wave of his hand. Without the claim that lawmakers knew exactly what the hell they were doing when they passed the law, they’ll “iron…
As a Florida residing person, I need to remind everyone that Marco Rubio is a smarmy little weasel who doesn’t show up for work, casually disregards his ethics, and should never had aspired to the presidency. While people were begging him to vote No on Devos, he was live-blogging the Superbowl. FUCK HIM
Left one dead? ONE?
What I honestly cannot wrap my head around are the white voters who flipped from voting for Pres. Obama to voting for Trump. That takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.
True. I wouldn’t disagree that he’s been hugely visible, but then again so has Katie Hopkins. The TV loves trolls because they draw the eyes of their supporters and their detractors, and he rode that to become the default spokesperson for everything anti-EU.