Iron Dinobody

I hate the audience questions at convention Q&As.

Yes. Fuck a racist’s fucking feelings. They hate people I love, and would do my loved ones fucking harm. Racists don’t deserve special treatment, and giving it to them has gotten us here. THEY’RE THE BAD GUYS. Period. Now, then, here, there.

Pilot Viruet actually used to write here. They liked punk rock, pro wrestling, and not editing their articles.

Having read the book and watched the show, they’re not the same animal and I don’t just mean in an “adaptation” sense.

I think people remember the (multiple) TV series. What seems to have been forgotten (and I’ve even met fans of the shows that have never seen it) is the original 1994 movie. Which isn’t bad despite being directed by the much mocked Roland Emmerich.

When Ancient Aliens first started, I thought “cool, this is the kind of shit that inspired Stargate. I fucking love Stargate.” But that interest soured very quickly when I realised how goddamn stupid these “theorists” are. They start with the notion “aliens did everything” and work backwards from there. There’s

Yes, Rollerball really was a great movie that people who haven’t seen it need to. It isn’t just about a futuristic sport — it’s about the problems where merger after merger turn capitalism into just a series of all powerful monopolies (in Rollerball there are corporations like Food and Energy that control the global

But he did do the voice for the Whammy on Press Your Luck, so almost as big.

Jacko and Farrah Fawcett gotta be up there, along with “The Day the Music Died.”

Yeah, Idocracy reeks of the idea that some in the educated elite have that democracy is wrong because all these stupid people can vote. The problem is once you decide that democracy is wrong there isn’t anything to stop anyone who can from taking power.

And it shows the anti-STEM nature of the writers.

Because AVClub is slowly but surely mastering writing about culture with no writing in it.

Because presumably Pitt realizes that the real money is to be made on videos on Gawker media sites! Forget “movies”!

is there even one who did it and it actually worked and was hugely successful?

The greatest trick the Zuckerberg ever pulled was convincing media sites that “pivot to video” was a thing.

It’s such a non-story as well, he mentioned in an interview that this is “My last leg” and then we have to watch a whole video to find out there’s no other interesting information.

I can understand video interviews, or even video podcasts where the writers discuss certain subjects, but the introduction of video news

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My favorite is Lil’ Baby Aidy and the Twin Bed sketch, where the women in the cast bring their boyfriends back to their childhood bedroom.

When Patton Oswalt wrote for Mad TV, he talked about all the weird notes he’d get all the time about his sketches.

One that stood out was an innocuous line: “You’re acting like a moron.”
The network came back and said, “We looked it up. ‘Moron’ is actually a medical term. It means someone with an IQ of less than 70.

I used to have a book called ‘A Martian Wouldn’t Say That’ that was a collection of S&P notes for TV shows, mostly from the ‘60s and ‘70s. One I remember as being particularly hilarious was, ‘When the nurses are in the shower, don’t have them be naked.’ Some, like that one, were easy to pick out which show they

Or Sally Field having sex with the principal to keep her son in school. Or the whole aids plot line. It’s a pretty subversive movie.