Iron Dinobody

About those GOP senators:

Absolutely. It speaks to the larger point of not overestimating the importance of polling/surveys, which the author of this piece seems to be doing.

My only regret is that I have but one star to give for this comment.

The last thing you want in a pandemic is someone who’s kihntageous.

No way, he kihn not host that program!

I thought he was dead, but I guess not.

They don’t write em like that anymore

they just don’t write (jokes) like that anymore

He lost

That is a deeeeep cut. Nicely done.

Morbius is the Jeb! of movies. The jokes can be fun, but for the love of god, don’t engage with the actual thing. It’s just the blandest shit imaginable when it isn’t actively awful.

I never really thought of Sith Lord as a career.
Like, “So tell me, Lord Nihilus, where do you see yourself in 5 galactic standard years?”

Yeah, was thinking the same thing ...

It’s an old meme. At least I thought it was.

That’s impossible. No one can give more than 100%. By definition, that is the most anyone can give.

People on the left are susceptible to nostalgia for what never was. Not as susceptible as people on the right (since conservatism frequently boils down to ‘change is bad’, it’s inherently going to have a rosier view of ‘the good old days’), but there’s definitely a current of ‘things are getting worse’ which is going

It was Lifehacker, not Jezebel. My bad, but here it is:

“White genies be all ‘SINCE YE HATH SUMMONED ME, I GRANT TO YE THESE WISHES THREE’ and black genies be all ‘Yo, homie, whatchu want? I got you.’”