With Tim Allen as a Home Improvement fanboy(“I understand completely that it’s just a TV show”).
With Tim Allen as a Home Improvement fanboy(“I understand completely that it’s just a TV show”).
“Free Churro” is not only my favorite Bojack episode, it’s my favorite title of any episode of any show.
That was 2018.
Farscape is hornier than Lexx?
Since when is politics only about minor stuff?
Just how many Americans do you think support slavery?
Wear boxers instead.
Do you think Obama’s not really black?
With how Jack reacted when Renee died I think cancer should watch out for Kiefer now.
What about Transformers: the Last Knight?
Ah ah ah, she didn’t say the magic word!
Some motherfuckers are always trying to bash superhero movies.
I’ve been a fan of that book since I was a kid but didn’t like the movie. I was excited when HBO announced a few years ago that they were making a show based on the book and looked forward to being a hipster about it and telling people I liked Sphere before it was cool, but now that Westworld’s been canceled I guess…
Was Bruce considered attractive?
Funny, there used to be a commenter here who constantly accused me of “JAQing off” for asking questions he didn’t like, and yet here I am being criticized for not asking a question(like, I assume, “What makes you think the Razzies are emotionally damaging?”). Damned if you do...
You cared enough to respond to my previous comment.
If you think the Razzies are too mean that’s one thing, but without evidence I don’t buy the idea that the Razzies are emotionally damaging.
Has H&R Block said anything?
Have you heard about anyone actually being emotionally damaged by the Razzies?
I’ve noticed that in politics you rarely hear people give credit to someone for admitting their faults/mistakes. People usually go “See, he admits it!” and continue to act like the reason they never apologize for anything is they have nothing to apologize for.