Drop the “the.” Just “Nesquikening.” It’s cleaner.
Drop the “the.” Just “Nesquikening.” It’s cleaner.
Avatar 2: A Na’vs Out Mystery
He produced the 4th through 6th ones.
Not an fan of the Mission: Impossible movies?
I didn’t dismiss your reply to my comment, you know.
I know.
Hypocrisy is hardly unique to conservatives. There are plenty of pro-choicers who treat women like shit.
I don’t see the problem with “I would never have an abortion but I support your right to.” Sounds good to me to be able to support other people’s right to do things you’d never do.
Isn’t that how every Behind the Music ends?
I think people often overestimate how much the media influences people, and I wonder if maybe instead of Trump being a watershed in terms of how much a politician can get away with, maybe people never really cared that much about scandals or gaffes to begin with and Trump was just the guy who killed the illusion that…
Gerald Ford appeared on SNL in its first season.
I wonder if the internet hasn’t bombarded us with so much information about people’s lives that the sort of things that would’ve killed political ambitions in the past don’t register anymore.
It’s still the highest-rated program ever by a wide margin, with a 60.2 rating compared to 53.3 for the conclusion to Dallas’s “Who shot JR?” cliffhanger. Few observations:
Hypocrisy is hardly unique to conservatives. There are plenty of pro-choicers who treat women like shit.
I thought about that, but I figure I’d probably have the same problem. My old account was linked through Twitter, so with that no longer usable I was free to delete my Twitter account with no problems.
Weird how people never talk about his role in Stargate: Atlantis(although I thought his character was a pretty generic warrior character anyway).
My old account got Kinja’d to death in late 2021 and apparently my new account can’t get ungrayed no matter how many comments of mine get starred.
Funny that in Glass Onion one of Edward Norton’s character’s malapropisms is saying “circumspective” instead of “circumstantial.”
Why do some people assume pro-lifers don’t really believe what they say? Just because someone’s beliefs are wrong doesn’t mean they can’t really believe they’re right.
This Super Bowl will be the first odd-numbered one in a decade not won by Brady.