Iron Dinobody

fair enough! 

Thank His Merciful Shadow I wasn’t the only one to think this

So... can we cast Justin Long in a Hollywood tell-all biopic about Tim Allen in a few years?

2017 season, but if they mean “The Super Bowl that was played in the calendar year 2017” I guess they’re technically correct.

That’s what I said. Lexx 1000% needs to be on this list.

I watched a couple seasons of Farscape and there was no sex, just the human man chasing the alien woman while she acted like a total bitch back to him. This is supposed to be science fiction, not reality. It’s supposed to be like Captain Kirk laying the moves on some green skinned alien hottie.

I’m a boxers guy but am going to stop wearing underwear entirely, just in case the disease mutates.

This “brief illness” is taking a lot of our beloved stars. Can’t someone do something about this “brief illness”?

I really want a serious sociological paper about why movies that are considered “simplistic”, “without substance”, or, in some cases, “agressively moronic” (Transformers), in the US and Canada make so much money worldwide. I refuse to believe that international audience are just dumber or less sophisticated. That is

It’s so cute you’re on a first name basis with your plumbing.

Damn, now Jack Bauer has to kill cancer. R.I.P.

Well, that’s what you have to do when the mantle descends upon your shoulders.

In our house, not only was there a clear social hierarchy (based on age) amongst our cats, but when the eldest died, the second-oldest not only assumed his position, but also his personality. Where he had previously been a goofy nutball, he suddenly metamorphosed into a stately, stoic character.

Weird. The Dark Knight is an American citizen, and he’s kept his.

My older cat _was_ the asshole Boss Cat. She was an affectionate living plush toy to humans but the devil with green eyes to other animals. Once when I was away and my partner was cat-sitting, some monkeys got into his house and she chased them up the stairs. Suburban vervet monkeys can be quite aggressive and they

You can’t control it.  The Pesci voice just happens.

Pesci: “You think I’m sexy? Sexy how? Sexy like a bombshell? Do I arouse you?”

I wonder how social status affects these interactions.

I thought so too. But I’ve noticed that, all too often, whenever people say they are sorry, that’s when the mob detects weakness/blood in the water and goes in for the kill. Assholes like Trump and Boris Johnson have unfortunately proven time and again that you are more likely to hold on to your platform longer when

Fuckin’ Anna Sorokin. Is she going to be hosting this from Studio 60, or the Newsroom? And, how many rants about bloggers and the majesty of Sting’s pan flute can we expect?