Din of Inequity

this part is my fav

My mom told me you could tell who had lost their virginity because their butts would suddenly get bigger.

To a subset of mothers, “motherly” means “entirely up in and controlling of my daughter’s vagina.”

According to the linked article, there were only about six kids in the group. I cannot even FATHOM how she “suggested one was not” a virgin. Did she, like, point to one of them and go “this slut right here is CLEARLY catching dick left and right, but what about the rest of you?”

“In hindsight, a few of the thoughts I shared, while well-intended, may have come across as more motherly than what they would expect from their state representative,” she wrote. “If anything I said offended them or made them feel uncomfortable, I apologize.”

He’s just a pretty man. Peter Frampton was as well, and David Gilmour of Pink Floyd.

I love it when new cast members pretend they’ve never heard of the other cast.

The fact that this doesn’t end with one of Jill Zarin’s classic “hiiiiii”’s is a travesty.

The first season of BH is awesome. Dinner party from hell FTW

When I saw that this series was starting at The Guardian, it reminded me of a BBC News piece I read recently about Robert Jones, a New Orleans man who was wrongfully convicted and served 23 years (of a life sentence) in prison for crimes that not only was he innocent of committing, but that someone else had already

I am so envious of you watching RHOBH for the first time. You have so much to experience: The Dinner Party from Hell!, Dana/Pam, Brandi!

I personally love NJ, but like someone else said, it gets dark (although the second season of BH is quite dark too). You should know that BH is great from the start because it’s one of the later series, and the producers had perfected the formula for making the show by that point. Some of the other cities that debuted

I’m really having to take my inventory here, and I sure do wear a “mask”(though not so literally as these ladies). I’m pretty sure I’m my regular self after the “Hiiiii!”, but now I’m going to have to set an alarm connected to a tazer belt and anytime my voice hits a certain decibel, the stun belt zaps me, just in

Crap. Going to a party tonight, and now have no clue how to greet people.

Especially when they say hi like they’ve never heard of the other person.

The worse part is that I’m fairly certain that I’ve done this. But equally certain that I won’t ever do it again.

It’s an antidote for the double kiss.

NJ gets dark fast. NYC and BH are generally considered the best, particularly the first 3 or so seasons of NYC (although last season was pretty great too!). Atlanta and OC are the classics but for me personally they are behind BH and NY.

The times you would catch me hobbling around with high heels, especially on a beach or a grassy area: ZERO!. They already walk like flamingos.

Not a supercut I love more than a RH supercut