Din of Inequity

Most of them haven’t.

Gawkeresque; stale story.


“Aesthetician” is what they’ve been known as (by some,) what their licenses say etc, for quite some time in my state.

It’s not baffling to me. There is a genuine dispute about when life begins. It is indisputable that capital punishment terminates a life.

That’s actually not true. The DP is supposed to be reserved for the “worst of the worst,” but it isn’t. That’s why a common argument for its abolition is that it is unconstitutionally “arbitrary and capricious.”

It’s not just the appeals. Capital trials themselves are far more expensive. Everything from death-qualifying jurors, experts, labs, bifurcation, etc. Costs are front-loaded before they even get to conviction.

Start by learning that “insanity” is a legal term, an affirmative defense* with different elements to be met in different jurisdictions. It is NOT a diagnosis.

Are you a murder victims’ family member or loved one?

I’ve had a family member murdered, no question as to the killer.

In my state and many others, it’s a Class C misdemeanor to threaten someone, and the issue is the perception of the victim, not the intent of the ‘tough guy/gal.’

My 15-year ordeal? Oh, I helped her get help. Sometimes I paid for it. Not that she didn’t con each and every therapist/doc/person she’s ever encountered, but her history is tragic. I was probably the most manipulated of all.

That’s just it - they aren’t twins and they often have issues. They explained that to Chance Ranch to no avail.

I was lucky enough to see it; the clips of sweet, gentle Chance on Letterman...”he even lies under the same tree”...the old fool in the hospital on IV Dilaudid, among his injuries a torn scrotum and gored groin.

I LOVE that you know this story! Those people were insane.

My college days are long behind me, but I recall an irreverent prof mocking us.

His position as an ardent anti-Communist is the only thing I can attribute the new fandom to. In the hands/revisions of this crew and their audience, that’s a meaningless buzzword/dog whistle.

Well, he couldn’t really put his back into it. Form probably wasn’t much. Obviously, there are other skills, but I can’t picture him being the generous type.

But the anus...