Din of Inequity

Ahh the usual Sunday prayer from Browns fans

Oh god. Roethlisberger is such a jagoff. Truly a great quarterback but such a shit human being. My friends who are Seahawks fans, Ravens fans and even Raiders fans are going to be busting my balls over this.

There’s a strong chance Trump doesn’t know what the President is suppose to do.

I think Brady learned his lesson about talking publicly about his buddy Don. He got hammered in the press last summer for saying something mildly positive about Trump and backpedaled a few days later.

This won’t change the way I feel about him or the Pats either way though. I’m resigned to the fact that a lot of people

That’s a bad voting block to rely on, because they think voting is for ‘old women queer nerds’.

There is no way Brady will be a part of this. Trump also says Don King endorses him, but Don King says no.

Sounds like something a transexual would do.

Because, really, who can better address the plight of the American worker than a millionaire QB married to a supermodel?

I guess LeBron will be out of town that weekend?

Id think he would already have the chowderhead vote on lock.

I wonder how Samer feels about his golden boy backing a candidate that would kick people like him out of the country.

Three other disreputable white dudes… well, if that doesn’t bring in the women, Latino, and African-American voters what the hell will?

I wonder if they will give Roethlisberger a pass on going into women’s restrooms to rape the shit out of them. Or does that only apply in Georgia.

He said he wanted to have them all address the convention, to be held next month in Cleveland, as examples of “winners,”

“I’m glad to be back here in Cleveland on behalf of Mr. Trump. As quarterback for your Browns from 1985 to 1993, this is one Bernie you can trust..”

Trump is now jamming the knife into Cleveland more by bringing in “winners”.

A deflator, a rapist, and a fraud. They represent the GOP well.

I used to have a buddy that had some deaf friends so he watched TV with closed-captioning and it always adds some unexpected comedy to live broadcasts. No back spaces! Sometimes they’ll type something totally wrong and stop for a second or two and you just know they’re thinking “FUCK” but they can’t go back so they

‘American juice’. Thank you closed-captioned typist for the fine work.

People need to become more aware of the horrors Japan inflicted and stop being so selective about what t happened in the War. At the same time,they also need to remember the heroes public opinion has chosen to ignore,such as 442nd Regiment of Japanese American soldiers or the heroes of the French Foreign Legion whom