Din of Inequity

Also, he got “treated” and then came back and did it again!

And how can you simultaneously assert that hand-holding and hugs are forbidden outside of marriage, but playing with your sleeping sister’s vagina is normal?

Check out the Erica Hill interview on “digging in with the Duggar’s”: Jessa jokes about keeping the baby’s gender a secret, to which josh responds “like you can keep a secret”.. Given the history between the two....kind of a creepy thing to say in any context.

And let’s be real... 14 is definitely old enough to know what you’re doing is wrong. Kids playing doctor is exploration/not sexual; 14 year olds touching little girls is abuse.

Oh for fuck’s sake. So basically having the children of the family molested by an older sibling is a big bummer? Well, we hope it won’t happen, but if it does, them’s the breaks and no biggie?

Two five year olds looking at each other’s wee wees are “Playing Doctor”. A 15 year old adolescent molesting a five year old is not. Never mind that there were multiple victims, multiple occasions over several years, and often the victims were originally asleep, so they weren’t ‘playing’ anything.

“Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh. We should not be shocked that this occurred in the Duggar’s home, we should rather be thankful to God if we have been spared such, and pray

There are other vest enthusiasts?

So, basically these men, in leather, are fighting because of matching outfits.

I ride a BMW. We BMW riders usually fight about fashion and leather riding outfits.

Real 1%s can usually hustle their bike pretty good.l, even if they are hunks of pig iron. Its the dentists with the $40,000 FXLWTFBBQ super-maga-butt-lube who ride like shit.

see. Euro Football riots

i’ve always said it. I love motorcycles, I hate motorcycle riders.

No shit. All these posts how “these guys give motorcyclists a bad name” are failing to see the point that these aren’t motorcycle enthusiasts so much as drug runners who happen to ride motorcycles.

no different than gang colors in inner cities... same principle of turf and illegal income really... same principle...still full blown retarded though.

As a total outside observer, this really is a shame. People lost their lives over what amounts to nothing more than a word...on a vest. I know, it’s a ‘pride thing’ but come on. Nobody but the state of Texas ‘controls’ Texas...so what is the point.

Stuff like this makes me want to sell my bike. Killing that starts because one group of people decided they didn’t want another group of people to wear the name of the state they live in on the back of their jacket/vest?

Nope, just 1%.
