
if you read her website you will know this is not just supposed to be a joke. theres a smidge here & there of currently expected simple sarcasm & snark—but where isnt there now? other than the most crazed sliver of right wing madness, & it's even there sometimes. it's today's meat, for heavens sake. but the questions

i shouldve added that she said it about the father of the idiot i was going out w/ at the time.

i hate to say it but the first person i heard this story from would be, oh, i dunno, sixty now? sixty five? a lot older than me, thats for sure. & i'm sure she'd heard it from plenty of people before she told it to me.

i am thrilled to billions & billions of teensy tinsy little pieces that if being of this generation means i am shallow & entirely focused on snark & my crotch, i am not a member.

ibid. thanks. having had one of the world's wildest lives before it was trendy, even i just cannot get this degree of whorishness. there seems to be no emotional depth here whatsoever. i'm not even sure there's any emotion.

he's annoying & totally unimpressive. otoh [or maybe it's the same-h], he's doing this on purpose. i hate to put it this way but his pseudo-reminiscences of hits=hits. i dont know the answer. on some other hand somewhere else, i bet he'd hate it even more were he ignored.

if it makes you feel any better i spent thirty thousand bucks on liposuction alone [more thousands on all sorts of other ridiculous cosmetic surgical items, none—hear me: none of which worked]. not cos of pregnancy, eating disorders limited that possibility down to, how you say, zero.

how does one have floral vents?

tila tequila? i'm ultrathankfully out of the loop these days but from the abovenoted, i'd imagine she has a tweek dealer. actually not one, there's never only one, but several, although i doubt any of them, singularly or together, are doing her mental, nevermind physical, health any good.

i know people will disagree w/ me but the very very best thing that could happen, in this case & so many of the others i see here, there, everywhere would be if feminism would once again recognize what it is to be male identified & understand that it's bad. i'm too weary to mince words, i'm afraid, & of course this

cos i have a life, cos i disagree w/ you, cos i'm more articulate than you are, smarter or, perhaps, more unconventional? can think outside the media box? cos all of those are true. & these days, dear, you are on the losing end. not cos of me, cos i more or less dont care, but cos society is beginning to catch up w/

faux fiancée blames the country's problems on the 19th amendment. meaning: she thinks all that's wrong in the united states can be blamed on giving women the right to vote. also ke$ha*:

She looks like a fucking narcissistic, delusional idiot. With a skanky dress on. I don't blame her though, I blame the parents.

well, the tropicana's gone..... marmont's all thats left, i guess, before one starts hitting the pay by the monthlies.....

this is not even bullying. this is some wretched schmuck probably at least almost old enough to be her father taking advantage of some kid who does not know better. i concur w/ the other commenters this time: why wasnt this taken seriously while she was alive? if he caused this much harm, all of the negative attention

he decided that she lied to him about birth control. for all we know, it failed. for all we know he convinced himself of some line she may or may not have said & is now calling her a liar. we dont know anything other than the hypocrisy. & that we do know.

if it makes you feel any better at all, christina hendricks is also a ray of hope for women. i couldnt believe it when i saw that she was on television, especially not as a one time joke. i'm a little bit older than she is, built just like that, was in the industry before she was &, believe me, looking like she does

there you go. ibid. thanks. ps. i wish we could still rate people up.

he's manic depressive. & hysterical. & doesnt know it. & not bright or original enough to sublimate his bipolarity into something [reasonably] wonderful & workable. all of it.

he just wants to be important. it's, you know, pastiche. appropriation. something that was done years ago, in another, more vital context, w/ a more interesting, how you say, backstory, by cleverer people possessed of greater emotional depth & hinkier, intricate, trickier minds. now it's his turn. do not ask me why.