
I’ve have never seen them open to take any victims of domestic violence-they are always full. Years of stating not accepting-full. Ask all the emergency response teams. Like everything in Fresno-motto is-we only help perps NOT VICTIMS.

I’m not as well versed as you on this, but that’s what I was thinking too. How do you go from the Luftwaffe to the SS? That makes no sense at all. And being stationed at Buchenwald without knowing what’s happening at Buchenwald? That is utter bullshit.

What a weird biography of a man I had no interest in learning about, but greatly fascinated me when reading about him. Really good long read Shaun and totally unexpected from Deadspin. You briefly mention Oscar Bonavena. He’s someone who also had an interesting life that would make a great long read.

Listen, you make a great point, and this is a real problem. I get all of that. But isn’t this about the weakest case of this? I mean, the name can be either Scottish or Korean, and they picked Scottish. The book doesn’t mention her ethnicity, and the author only publicly said so after they filmed the movie. I can

The author did say she was Korean, but sadly he said that like 5 months ago, and filming for the movie had finished.

And he said that she was Korean like 6 months after they started filming. That blog post is from may of this year.

Yes, but it’s also a European name, and that article is five months ago, which is about 6 months after they started filming, and they point out it wasn’t mentioned in the text. I hate whitewashing in movies, too, but that seems like a pretty legitimate mistake.

Obviously they should have tried to get a Sith Lord for the Mindy Park role, such as Ray Park here


For what it’s worth, I just searched my digital copy for “Korean” and “Korea,” and there were no results.

Well, exactly. Assuming that someone named “Mindy Park” is Korean is just as bad as whatever whitewashing this movie is being accused of. In a book, unless it’s specifically indicated in some way, it’s up to the reader to fill in those kinds of gaps with their own baggage and prejudices and preconceptions.

The one thing about the alcohol is that a lot of water wasn’t safe to drink back then, so beer consumption was common on both sides of the Atlantic from an early age — the brewing process killed bacteria and germs. Beer for breakfast goes at least all the way back to Anglo-Saxon England.

Check out the Zulu Wars in South Africa. The Zulu Warriors would burn cannabis leaves in bonfires while they drummed, wore animal masks and did a ritual war dance prior to engaging the Brits in battle. The Brits who saw this reported a kind of magical change occurring — because they probably didn’t know they were

My high school Health teacher taught us that the Opium Wars were fought between Japan, Korea, and China in an attempt to control opium fields in northern China that warriors liked to run through because it made them feel invincible. It was a very interesting class.

I had an English prof who postulated that Brits in the 18th and 19th century were so frail because most everyone started using laudanum from before they were infants until death. His reasoning was that since laudanum was derived from opium, they were basically a nation of addicts, and regular drug use tends to have

I for the life of me barely remember any of the Spanish I learned aside from how to say “I ate a pencil.” (Yo comí un lapis.) and “My pants are on fire.” (Mis pantalones estan en fuego.). To this day I’m not really sure why I tried so hard to remember those specific sentences.

He just wants revenge. He’s pissed the Glasgow dared mess with him. He was used to getting his way.

What would killing the attorney accomplish? “Oh no, the attorney is dead, let’s release everyone he put away”

He looks like he still doesn’t think anyone’s onto him. Like he’s gonna be out of there in no time; start putting wives in barrels again, no one the wiser. He’s the Master of Puppets, and we, his witless pawns.

In my opinion, this chart is extremely confusing to read and I'm pretty sure wrong (the niece/nephew and aunt/uncle rows and columns). This is the kind of chart I've used before and I think it's much better: