
and how many of the people here extolling the glories of DV shelters have ever been in one? on the other side of the desk, i mean, not the side where all these glorious glories are being perpetuated. cos it’s a really different story from the clients’ side. not too many people who’ve been victimized get much out of

oh, ffs, GROW UP.
That Faulkner is too difficult for you is nothing to be proud of.

i have had an eating disorder all my life, one that arises every moment i am not too depressed to police myself. please take this comment w/ that in mind.

they wanna cash in on the reeva steenkamp/pistorious story before the time they assume people will have forgotten it. there's no deeper thinking to it than that. these days, there rarely is. about anything.

oh heavens, i have been a vegetarian longer than many of the commentariat have been alive. i have been a vegetarian pretty much since i understood what it meant, thirty three [33] years. yow.

you forgot two of the most important wretchednesses of the 80s:

i followed this story, i followed it here. i was fully convinced that this was not just an ordinary rape, but a terrible one. so this a real question:

i am absolutely surprised this is only now considered newsworthy. it's been going on forever & ever. the best way to make it stop? dont believe yrself to be worthwhile only through yr appearance. women of the womens movement[s] have been saying that almost as long. it scares me that now whats considered feminism

but what is the article about? might they have known about the baum controversy & tried—in a stupid way, yep—to tell people of it? apologies, i am very sick so i may not make the best sense. but i know that particular magazine, another, at least several years ago when i think it may have had a better editor? anyway,

howsabout telling women to do something w/ their lives that is not dependent on skeezy peoples' estimations of their boobs? howabout that? if they didnt participate, these fuckers wouldnt have anybody to mess w/, would they? would end this stuff, wouldnt it?

the only thing i can say is: if you have been stalked this does not look like stalking. two text messages? if she asked him to stop & he didnt stop, thats when the problem starts. but what you do at that point is call his own job—not the international corporate office—& tell them to tell him that his behavior is

bingo, baio.

i think the third answer is very good.

she may not be written as a role model but thats not what people, especially kids, are gonna take away from the program. people always make television stars into role models, often in direct opposition to what those stars were written to represent. i would say that kids even took fred flintstone as a role

you are right.

how in hell or heavens name are these two things equivalent? seeing someones cellphone number & calling her is, to you, the same as breaking into a woman's house & raping her as she lay next to her seven year old kid?

the only person who would think this cat is an actual stalker—after only this—is someone who has never been stalked.

do you really really think this was worth getting someone fired, especially in this economy? had he pestered beyond this, yes, i get it. i was stalked myself. but this is not stalking. during any time of telephones other than now—& of any other method of communication before that—this would just be slightly hinky

ah— but why should, for example, meryl streep have had to show the world her boobs, of all things, in a movie about karen silkwood, of all people?

this is not the jane fonda of viet nam you are talking about. this is the jane fonda of leg warmers & church. what she thinks of this kind of sarcasm now is very different of what she wouldve thought about this kind of sarcasm then. if you dont know her life the giveaway is in the words watched by families with their