
i dont think she should be charged. i also dont think she's a victim of human trafficking. i think consensual, casual prostitution is a very iffy crime. ot1h, i'm not sure how deeply she understood the ramifications of what she was up to. otoh, i think she went willingly. in truth, these are just guesses. ot3dh, so is

bingo. thanks.

pps. please, please dont try to kill yrself when you have kids. they will not get it. thats causing generational suffering, suffering w/o end. if yr kids are young enough to still have kid birthday parties, theyre too young to understand. they will spend decades feeling bad. at least at first they will blame yr death

until you said he had kids i thought this very well might be my second husband.

not foolish replies repeating the same thing until a trending topic was forced from it, no. at this point the number of people who did not read something acurately [as per: who did not read that this has been corrected & corrected & corrected & corrected & corrected & acknowledged] is maybe two dozen. thats

the most glaring time during my adulthood this happened to me—a crazy guy eating peanuts, spreading porn around, sitting on the couch on my porch, jerking off—the LAPD brought a helicopter to get rid of him. it got rid of him. i thought it was a bit much, though. the LAPD did, indeed, mean business. at the time,

she doesnt like being called full figured cos she's in los angeles [me too] & in los angeles all it means is fat. & fat, of course, is the very worst thing you can be, especially in hollywood. here, yr a better person if yr thin but just blew up an orphanage on the one day of the year they have paraplegic juveniles

oh heavens, the lumpen have now been doing this for years. for decades. nobody needs another another encore of the least revolutionary people of the western world—i dont mean women, so help me, not at all. i mean people. all of them—getting themselves all deeply wetly worked up over the most banal aspects of a culture

i dont think age has anything to do w/ it.

i just wanna bang my head against anything—the wall, the floor, the ceiling, i dont care—until it bleeds. GO GET SOME LIFE EXPERIENCE. my crazyspouse just died cos of drugs—he didnt OD, he died a long, sad, miserable, protracted, painful painful death of heart failure. he also had graves disease, btw, meaning:

@doubleD [deeply disappointed]:

his real issue isnt even that. his real issue is he has found a way to make himself feel superior to others &, in hopes of recharging that specific battery of his, decided to deploy insulting nonsense wrapped in faux feeling.

no. no. no-one ever needs to talk about the denim dress [aka skirt on backwards pulled up]. nobody ever needs to see it again either.

i know it doesnt seem like it but mormonism is only maybe a hundred years older than scientology. thats a lot of years if one is thinking in terms of US time only. but in world years [nevermind universe years, etc & ect]? it's nothing. so it's probably less the venerability of one & rather certain tenets of the other,

isnt anybody gonna comment on how wretchedly the lena dunham photos were photoshopped? cos it's some of the most egregious weight control work i've seen in, i dunno, maybe months.

eh, i've had both.

you know, you guys have made this a trending topic—the one mistake i've made in both congruence & twenty years online, made, i have to say, when it was 107°F &, sitting inside w/ just a fan, my brain was melting. hello? i dont think i've ever gotten so many replies about anything in my decades online as this. & the

if i go out this happens to me all the time. i have been asked if i am every- or anything from white to black. many times. & while it's invariably someone black who thinks i'm black the people who have thought i was albino have cut across the whole everlovin racial board. nope, doesnt make sense to me either. after

i'm really tired or i'd write you a more decent reply. still, i feel compelled to note i'm a pretty hardcore vegetarian [since way before it was trendy to be anything like that] & still i'm almost precisely in agreement w/ yr position.

richard feynman has been dead since 1988. this one's father was born in 1955. something is not quite right here. i mean, she couldve been friends w/ RF, i guess, but it would be in that small children & adults sort of way—something yr not implying here. i dont have anything against this woman—nothing, nothing at