
i am that good at photoshop, thats how i can tell you it's almost undoubtedly not photoshop. at least not all, or even most, of it. they just printed set up shots. still, in conception it's pretty rotten.

the problem is that The Drug Addict has taken one of the places that was once held in straight america by The Negro or The Jew or The Hippie or The Communist. in the way a similar group of citizens who knew none of the above held mad [in both senses] received judgements of black people, jews &/or hippies & communists,

tweek is not a good drug. it will kill you. it will not kill you by OD, not hardly not ever. it will kill you badly. this is only one of the ways, one of the more tragic ways. so help me, i wish i didnt know this but i do.

my old moniker was the last slum goddess [edi note: from the song not the band who, later, took their name from the song. anyway]. i'd had it for years. when i took myself a looksee at that cat's pinterest it was almost—but not quite—as if i'd put it together myself.

it hasnt meant what it used to in a hundred million years, since before many of the people reading this article were born. i hate to say it but it hasnt meant what it used to since it went from newsprint to glossy, since jann wenner identified as straight. it's been a while, is what i'm saying. this is just one more

not a problem. i just wish more people would not only think this stuff, but say it. cos it's true. & it's really time to refocus on everything, anything other than social- & media-concocted pseudomoral wrangling.

there IS no way to do it. in this particular case—how much individuals weigh—there is NO REASON to do it either.

how is the kid in that videotape fat?

she's only five feet tall. if that. before crazyspouse died he was managing some guy who opened for her once. he was astonished at how short she is. he wasnt precisely a tactful person & announced this by telling me she is even shorter than i am. thanks.

so yr telling me my parents werent married, right?

what about traditional couples who were, yes, married in a non-religious ceremony by a justice of the peace? is that somehow suddenly a religious ceremony too? or is it now a civil union? warning: thats the way my parents were married. it goes back a ways.

except that hardcore christians have been around for, um, not just decades but, truly, millennia. & this debate goes in & out of favor, in & out of interest, dependent upon not the religious but the political situation. between scopes & the last few decades was quite a bit of time yet you werent seeing this particular

it's gotten quite a bit more bitter over the last few years, dr pepper has, quite a bit like the community who went berserk over this ad.

my crazyspouse just died due to meth addiction. he didnt OD, it doesnt work that way, not often—he died of heart failure. he was 44 years old. he'd had a really fancy life, had been a rock star [if junior division]. he was a great musician. really. really. one of the very best i've known—one, in fact, of the top

people have lived much longer than seventy days w/o food. i mean, i have lived longer than seventy days w/o eating much of anything. this year i didnt much of anything for longer than that—& i am not an anorexia champ. i fold if i get too sick or can no longer worry about myself cos i have too many other things which

[this is actually not a reply to stoya {oddly enough, i'm connected to digital playground}] but to jezebel:

if people really think like this—i mean really, for real—the feminist movement has been set back more than a hundred years. way more. pre-cady stanton. wow.


is anyone here but me old enough—& from that minuscule speck of the culture—to remember & understand these people firsthand?

we live in very dark times at least in part cos the 'art' we do have is made by marketing executives. or the art school equivalent of marketing executives, ie: the art is a business people & their progeny.