

the thing is, most of the people who [so-called] abuse drugs legitimately need the relief the drugs they [so-called] abuse, provide. the WoD & its self-deceiving adherents is where & to whom you need to apply yr fury—not other suffering people. there is an overall problem w/ conflating sufferers & suffering w/

she's not coming back. unfortunately i've been close enough to the hyperweird, hyperdrugged, hypersick, hypercrazed, unconscious & conscienceless scene in which she is obviously involved to let you know, by demi-proximal firsthand that there is no real place to go from where she has gotten herself but down. so help

it was created by marketing executives? isnt that perhaps a bit of an oxymoronic hypocritical stop along the semi-self serving antithetical road?

she shouldve at least had it fitted better.

is nobody in the world other than myself burnt out on this story by now?

oddly enough, i actually know that quote. it wasnt in my mind though.

ibid. & bady designed on top of it.

the scariest thing is that you dont have to look at crazy sites. you can find it all over the place. not ubiquitous & not in articles but in comments—way way more often than one would expect. & it's almost always shrouded in israel. even when the article is not about israel—just anything about jews, anything. even


here's something i've wondered about almost ever since i first read about the ancient greek statues:

you are correct. it is infuriating.

ps. there's a small, classy, upscale hotel in culver city? since when? i am from culver city. this description strikes me as odd, to say the least.

jessica simpson lost eighty pounds in two three months?

thanks for writing this. you are right.

i'm astonished that this is considered newsworthy. my father did much worse. & it's not just my father, this kind of stuff is common. & if there's not enough money no lawyer's gonna pick it up. [believe me, $180,000 is not enough money. in fact, it's just about the tip of what my father stole from me.] although maybe,


way to go, people. have they even noticed that now theyve killed the fetus too? two lives for the price of one. what a sad sad mess.

i wouldnt call any aspect of the abovenoted problem a whim.