
as an aside, thats called dissociation. here:

is it certain that this person is actually for real, freeze-dried internet uterus suppers, et al?

i've run in six inch platforms. i've also fallen down some doing it, but not always. the trick is to be used to wearing six inch platforms. eventually, after long enough, flats feel weird & it's more difficult, believe it or not, to move around in them.

it's not her age. it's just that she's done it so many times already that it's completely expected & nothing but dull. were it some other fifty three year old or sixty year old or helen mirren or tilda swinton or even meryl streep or, i dunno, maybe chaka khan or, just someone, anyone— someone whose tits we have not

the longer a person is on the earth, the more he or she will start to see an almost precise pattern: something will be touted as the best thing in the world then a year or two later this very same thing will be renounced as either not good at all or terrible. then the same thing will happen again to either or both of

but it does affect me. the one person i know who would—&, more importantly, has—really been there for those of us too unusual for the mainstream—& not just in words—is me. it's cos i'm the same kind of thing, the same kind of person. i dont fit into a particular current category, which in many ways makes it even

thank you for not letting me fight this sad battle alone.

@mad danny:

oh absolutely.

she's not actually a wasp, her last name is paltrowski. otoh, since she so very presents as a wasp you are absolutely correct.

i'd like to see in writing, really, where she was asked to bind them down. cos if theyre that big, binding is not gonna make them look small it's only gonna make em look weird. the only thing i would look like if i stuck an ace bandage around my frontal units is as if i'd stuck not two, but one, extra large canned ham

as someone who has lost more than one job for looking inadvertently provocative i should be firmly on this woman's side. but all i can say is she took a job working for the orthodox. theyre paying her. she needs to at least make a fair attempt to wear what they want or decide the place & its dress code are not for

why is he only chasing black people?

the must read on this subject, even though it's old:


apologies for being too weary & too overworked to read the rest of the comments, so i dont know if anyone else has said this. otoh, i think it's important enough to say, or even repeat, so i'm throwing it out there. it's not much condolence but it could be some, cos:

what really interests me is why their mothers are calling it prom when from the beginning of time up until the most recentest of pasts it was always & forever called the prom. curious.

add fan bingbing:

i'm not who you were talking to but i do know the taman shud case. have you seen that amazing website devoted to it?

yes, & i have to add: