we are now anorexia survivors? you mean, like holocaust survivors? or people who beat terrible, fatal diagnoses by the skin of their teeth? or, maybe, say, the girl who jumped out of ted bundy's volkswagen?
we are now anorexia survivors? you mean, like holocaust survivors? or people who beat terrible, fatal diagnoses by the skin of their teeth? or, maybe, say, the girl who jumped out of ted bundy's volkswagen?
now that is glamour & attitude you have to be born w/—you cant just manufacture it. cant even learn it. wow.
you can download an earlier translation here, from this website about russian science fiction:
this is the best book i've read this year, maybe in the last two years, maybe in the last five. of all kinds of books too, not just science fiction. i have about five thousand books, i've read most of them. it's going on my best books of all time list. i cant even say that this is cos stalker is one of my very…
i was right there w/ you until i saw it happen. so were more people than i can count that are no longer w/ us to say that.
i wonder if anyone still believes this is real. for me, in particular, it's her age that is absolutely suspect but, really, any of it will do.
this is closer to true/correct; either way, it's hideous.
thank you for saying this, i've been trying to figure out how to put it.
the leggings come [no pun intended] from xs to, i believe, xl. in order to keep up my personal perpetual perennial program of the detournement of every possible situation i considered buying them—it wasnt a size problem which stopped me, but the price. theyre around $200US. damn! also the penis puke breakfast print…
vivienne westwood wore skin colored leggings w/, if my tired memory serves, a leaf & no more over the crotch. my only confusion is about the size of the leaf & whether or not it was accompanied by something like a flower or, um, fuzz—i am not confused, however, about when where how she wore them. to meet the queen, i…
he's gonna fade in the way that the keenes did—but he wont be resurrected, i dont think, even as kitsch later cos his work doesnt have the rather moving, if equally silly, personal factor of the big-eyed kids & cats. he will never be thought of as art by anyone much, although his work will last awhile on saucers &…
@Flutterbitch @RayBradbury's_ElephantMonastery:
what i mostly see [i looked at the flyer] are pictures that are almost undoubtedly not accurate representations of "pre-born" anythings. not only is the guy crazy but he's harassing the stave family w/ pure nonsense—something i both hope & actually, if hopefully, assume anyone who sees the flyer can tell.
@MissNThrope @NewYawkNative:
to me it's just that we've lost the constancy. for years LA lived up to its stereotype of having semi-perfect weather. then, about a decade ago we started getting insane summers w/, i dunno, 105° days & lots of em. then the last few years it's been all this weird switching around. i've seen this in other faraway…
the weather's already started turning into madness in socal.
heaven knows i hope it does.
i think it's way more likely that people caught sight of the mother, could not believe what they saw & then just extrapolated a munchausen-tanning by proxy diagnosis onto her.
dennis nilsen is kind of unusual anyway, even among stated company.
what about when the men find them? cos theyre looking for easily exploited people who cannot close themselves off from other peoples' needs. &, of course, if the person found is on the other end of the spectrum & doesnt know when to stop giving.....