
for heavens sake, they are over the age of eighteen, there are no guards in class holding them down. have none of them ever walked from a classroom before? how did they get into the classroom if they cannot walk out of it? are they all so sensitive that they will be permanently damaged by viewing two minutes of

this article is terribly edited &, therefore, fairly difficult to parse. one thing that comes across loud & clear, however, is that the abovenoted instructor did not—repeat not—show a porn movie in class.

well, i have been on this earth long enough to know that both the theory that people like best, as you say, & the theory that has, at the moment, more scientific evidence behind it are equally likely to be disproven w/in, say, two years. especially when those theories concern something that is largely subjective or

i just wanna slam my head against the desk. not only cos they are stating the very obvious but also cos they are missing another very obvious piece o' the chocolate banana bavarian crème pie [if you will]. people w/ eating disorders look at food constantly. they, we are trying to eat vicariously. i would think that

i cant say he created his own genre, but an amazing & amazingly powerful science fiction book is fiskadoro by denis johnson. there really isnt anything else like it, the rest of his own work isnt even like it. i'm just putting this post-apocalyptic demi-masterpiece out here cos i dont think most people who read


@Dzsesszika :

i think the truth is had she actually been as attractive as she insists people wouldve been much more likely to ignore the article. it wouldve just been another of those celebrities who were picked on & now eat french fries things & would never have attracted so much vitriol cos it would never have gotten so much

she says that everyone's real name is brian?

or they can do what i do & they wont need a gastric tube at all. go down to under five hundred calories a day, almost entirely made up of diet soda & vegetables, w/ a few crackers thrown in. do this for weeks & weeks. each & every one of them will lose weight, i can personally guarantee it. each & every one of them


what does sociologically unstable even mean?

oh but andrew logan's alternative miss world is so very much better.

she's not conventionally pretty. not at all. she's homely, look at her high school pictures if theyre still floating around. she is however, that paradigm: white/bleached blonde/thin & you can add rich. the one thing i do like about her, sort of, is that she wouldnt say she was conventionally pretty either. she isnt.

@shrutiborus sez:

i think even a lot of people here would help you. go get the biopsy. if it helps, i've had it & i did not have cancer. i couldve, i was horribly, horribly sick. i didnt. please go do it. i'm older than you but i know where yr at—i was there when i was about the same age. you wont feel better until you get the test

but all of what is considered attractive—even physically—is so very mutable. it's changed considerably in only my lifetime, for heavens sake. add a hundred years & move from only the western world, particularly the united states, particularly los angeles [i am from industry los angeles] & instead incorporate what


well, at least we know how it happened:

i agree.