Maybe it'll be ok as long it's only the white men who get to live forever.
Maybe it'll be ok as long it's only the white men who get to live forever.
My favorite Counting Crows song.
Your math is wrong, though. 1.7 times the product for 2 times the money is slightly more per ounce for the larger one, not less. For the same $16 you get 2 small bottles. Am I missing something here?
Your math is wrong, though. 1.7 times the product for 2 times the money is slightly more per ounce for the larger…
I think the question you should be asking each other is, "Is this journalism?"
How old is the model in that photo at the top? Will this really make my skin look like that?
How old is the model in that photo at the top? Will this really make my skin look like that?
No it isn't. There are some good deals in there but the ghost whisperer jacket isn't one of them.
No it isn't. There are some good deals in there but the ghost whisperer jacket isn't one of them.
Uber wants me to use an electric scooter or bike? This remind me of something my father used to say to me when I wanted something. He’d tell me I should, “want in one hand and take a crap in the other and see which one fills up fastest." I'm still not really sure what that's supposed to mean.
“There has to be some sort of anti-asshole law this guy can be charged with too, right?”
All Jeeps are great and everyone deserves to be happy. But I will only wave to 2-door, soft-top Wranglers and CJs, and then only if they have aftermarket tires or a sweet bumper. Sorry.
1973 Chevy Chevelle
Wait. Can’t she just turn into a bat and fly around if she needs to get somewhere quickly?
It’s great that half of older adults are sexually active but that alone doesn’t tell us much. What portion of younger people describe themselves as sexually active? Is half a lot? If I’m sexually active now, what is the probability I will be when I’m older? A little Bayesian reasoning would go a long way toward making…
My take on Ducky has always been that their relationship would never work because because he was gay but still in denial about it. A lot of gay people were in denial about it in the 80s. He was attracted to Andie and wanted to love her because she was friendly and didn’t bully him but there was ultimately no romantic…
Nobody can combat the pressure to succeed like Kristin!!
Do you really think Ivanka and Jared took that photo? Like they were sitting around watching tv and Ivanka said, “Hey, let’s try out the new camera and take pictures of the baby!!” I have a hard time picturing that. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they had the baby sent out to be photographed.
I agree with her on every point and with you that firefighter is a much better term, but she doesn’t help her case by suggesting that the public perceives them as a bunch of 6-foot, hairy-arsed blokes. Admittedly, I’m a native speaker of American but that sounds insulting to me. I’m not in any way excusing harassment…
He’s not going as fast in 4wd because the engine works harder to turn the transfer case and front differential. He could easily have matched speeds on a GPS if his speedometer wasn’t working. Matching RPM doesn’t match speed. The engine had more work to do in 4wd. That’s why there’s a gas mileage difference in 4wd,…
Want too know another great way to get screwed selling your car because it seems rude to not trust people?