Dingers Ghost, Champion Jockey

You said it was easy to parallel park. In my head I’m thinking “Well yeah, because you can just park it on top of a car of the space is too small,”

I actually called shotgun while I was on the ground. I rolled over on my back, and all I see are the other three looking at me. My only response was "Shotgun" and I figured I earned it.

I mean looking back it was really funny and we still laugh about it every now and then. But there are some people who shouldn't be trusted to use a wheelbarrow let alone a car.

Ever Since. Reminds of my mishap this winter at Pizza Hut.

I suppose that's true. Most of their engines are for applications of a much larger scale. I'm just surprised one wasn't specially designed for this truck/platform. Maybe if it sells a good amount (granted it will with a military contract) something will be developed.

I'm confused slightly by the fact it's a Navistar with a Cummins engine. Does Navistar still own International, or is Natty separate now?

Ah ok then. Like I said, I'm not in Pitt often. Usually for a Pirates game

Any time I've been in Pitt, which isn't often whatsoever, I have never once seen anyone in the HOV lane. Or at least I think it's HOV, it's always a gated off part of road on I-79 just coming in to the city

That makes sense. I guess I wasn't aware the lift came with Fox shocks.

The common themes with Jeep's concepts this year: 2 Inch lifts, Fox Shocks, Tan?, and old school style steelies with no openings.

Probably equivalent to the 1000 hours needed to build it

They could (and probably have) also used this method to get rid of things that didn't sell well. Got a bunch of uninstalled trailer hitch receivers lying around the factory?

I think Warren is a more appropriate name for something along the lines of a K-car.

Scrape it off on the right sized rock. You've got skid plates. It'll be easily removable then.

I stumbled over that three or four times until I thought I had an idea of what he was trying to say.

Now, while I understand the concern over the height of the PT's rear, would it have honestly hurt the truck all that much? I mean, if you did it slowly enough it seems to me it would just shrug it off and ask you for more.

My vote goes to the Class 11 VW.

After reading #8, I thought "Hm, that sounds familiar." Didn't take me long to find the recall notification letter for it, which we recieved recently. I think that was the second time we've gotten that recall notice since my dad has owned the truck.

Redo all the roads? Just come to PA. Ours are already like that.

This man is not lying